I will be going hunting next weekend (the 15th & 16th) and have little late season experience. I was hoping the IDO experts would share some valued advice.
Does it pay to be on stand at dawn, or should I wait until 10 am or so and plan on sitting the rest of the day?
Do you recommend calling? I was thinking of using a Lil Can to sound like a fawn that is now in estrus and the occasional inhale only grunts once and a while… social grunts.
Do I use buck scent / lure?
If I don’t have a food plot will I be wasting my time freezing my a$$ off?
Is this the time to throw caution to the wind or play it safer than any other time of the year?
I will be hunting a mixed hardwoods / bog area of Pine County. I am sitting on general usage year round travel corridors. I saw a hand full of nice bucks (100 – 130’S) during the pre-rut and rut from these stands. This is the first year I have chosen to not shoot the first 2 year old basket racked buck to enter my shooting lane. I hope it pays off to hold out and be more selective.