Tough start to the muzzleloader season

  • fishthumper
    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12551

    It was a tought start to the muzzleloader season here in Minnesota for myself and 2 friends. With rather fresh snow on the ground and a change from warm Temps to colder weather I was rather pumped. Fresh snow to see where they are moving and cold weather to push them to feed and move around was what I was thinking. Not sure if it was the near full moon or lack of much for food sources to key on, but for what ever reason we saw 0 Deer for 3 days of hunting. LOTS of rather fresh sign on one piece of land but no deer seen. It must be all movement after dark. Hoping for a little less wind next weekend. That plus maybe a little warmer weather and things may change. It was cold both Sat. and Mon. morning both days started at or below 0 where I was hunting. Lake that were wide open On Friday were totally frozen over by Mon morning. Hope others had better luck than we did. To those still hunting – Best of luck to you.

    SE MN
    Posts: 9

    I to was out in the woods for the opening weekend of muzz. A buddy of mine shot a nice doe opening morning. As of for Saturday evening we saw no deer movement with the wind and local hunting pressure with all the hunters out doing deer drives her SE MN. Sunday morning was also uneventfull for deer movement. I was able to get two shots off at two coyotes that came through together. As for my buddy he saw a decent eight blow by him in the brush being pushed by other hunters. Sunday evening should have been my night but no luck connecting on a nice ten pointer that was also pushed right to me. So after a little target practice yesterday thanks to a loose sight mount I am ready for weekend two! Good luck guys and let the smoke poles rip!v

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    We saw decent deer numbers, brother shot a nice 9 point that was running all over the woods looking for the last available doe. He was wound up, glans all swollen, neck swollen, ripping up scrapes all over and chasing does in the beans. Other than that we did not shoot any other deer, but several of us could have taken good does. I’ll be back this Friday. Good luck all!!

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