very curious to hear everyone’s opinion on rutting activity after bucks have been severely spooked. Specifically, during the WI gun hunt, bucks were very active during the first 5 hours around our farm on opening day. Sat afternoon through Thursday, I was very surprised to see little to no activity on any of the territory trails or scrapes. However, I did see a lot of small bucks using typical food trails. The few mature bucks that had been active all week prior instantly went nocturnal with hitting a couple non typical trails from 12:30am to 2am.
Friday I saw a couple bucks moving, but they remained using the heaviest cover (escape) trails. Saturday morning really came to life with the younger immature bucks on the territory trails. Unfortunately, the meat warriors were out in force with the “if its brown-its down” mentality by 9:00am and pushed every square inch of land surrounding me. I’m considering taking a couple days off and trying to time it when they will get back to finishing their business. According to the trail cam pics I have as of Friday night, the majority of mature bucks are still eluding everyone!
November 25, 2012 at 9:27 pm