Two nice WI bucks

  • cougareye
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    That’s interesting as I wasn’t aware this was being banned. As my parents are now retired ND farmers and no one in the family wants to farm, I’ve been thinking of ways to maintain our rights to hunt the land, the land also has oil possibilities so we may need to keep ownership of the land and lease it out permanently for farming and keep the land for hunting and mineral rights.

    I see the reasoning for ND to ban this practice. Imagine 2-3 generations from now when you have land that could have divided ownership between mineral rights, hunting rights, farming rights being passed down from generation to generation. Ugh!

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 1500

    I never thought about selling rights like that lasting forever. I personally would never do that. If you were the homeowner and wanted to sell the land that would really decrease the value. Can you imagine finding a great property and want to buy it just to find out someone else will hunt that property anytime they want. If I were in that state I would be happy about this law!

    SE MN
    Posts: 9

    My dad and I had some luck in WI. It was the first year that we have both shot nice deer and even within two days of each others. My dad shot his the morning of November 8th and mine was taken on the morning of the 10th.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    Welcome to IDO, An awesome bucks. Congrats to the both of you

    Fairfax, IOWA
    Posts: 408

    Wow! Welcome aboard!!! How wide was that toad?

    SE MN
    Posts: 9

    He is just over 20 1/2″ inside spread. He is nice and wide with great main beam length.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Holy first post. Congrats on two awesome deer!

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    Now thats why I hunt Deer Congrats on a couple of Dandy Bucks

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    Great bucks! Congrats and welcome to IDO

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    After looking at your pictures several times, I’m just amazed how great it must be to share this experience with your dad this fall.

    You gotta give us a few more details on how this all went down.

    SE MN
    Posts: 9

    Ok here is the run down on our Awsome WI hunt. It all started at the beginning of the season. Every year we try to plan our time off work to hit the rut just right. We decided this year to hit it hard around the second week in November. As you can tell it was a good decision! Unfortunately I had to work up until the 9th, but after that I had four days to hit it hard with all day sits. I was at work on the morning of the 8th when my phone went off at 8:45 AM. I saw it was my dad and knowing he was out hunting my heart immediately started racing with excitement. I answered it and as soon as I heard his voice I knew he shot one! He began to tell me how a doe came crashing through the woods and he immediately grabbed his bow and got ready. He could then here something coming through the woods grunting. As he saw antlers coming through the woods he knew he had him. As the buck made it to within 15 yards on the trail in front of him he stopped him at let it fly. The arrow took liver and one lung and ran about 200 yards.
    As for my hunt on the 10th we woke up good and early and made the drive for our property. We got dressed at the truck and wished each other luck for a all day sit. As I made it to my stand I climb into it and started to get ready. As I got the rest of my gear on I went to put my release on and realize it was missing. I sat there for a minute contemplating what to do. I told myself I can go without as I was not sure as to where it was. After first light broke I heard something behind me and turned to see a decent eight about 30 yards above me on the ridge. As I looked and judged him to be around 125″ I elected to let him walk. He worked his way by and in not more than 10 minutes I heard a deep grunt to the left. I turned and looked to see a mule of a body walking my way! It didn’t take long to tell he was a shooter. He was walking directly at me with his noise to the ground and the end of his main beams almost touching the ground he worked into 8 yards below me on the ridge when I drew back. I gave him a soft grunt with my mouth and he stopped when I released the arrow! I heard that awsome sound as if you hit a bucket and knew he wasn’t going far! He turned and ran 40 yards and with his last breath leaped through a pile of brush. After calming myself down and keeping my knees from giving out I sent my dad a text saying I smoked one and was headed to the truck. After getting to the truck and filling dad in on details we went to check him out and start the work.
    Looking back and reflecting on our hunt together this will be one season I will never forget!

    Posts: 9

    That is an awsome story with two great bucks and to be able to share it with your dad is the cherry on the top

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 270

    Great job on two great deer.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Great story and congrats!!!


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