I’m probably much more analytical than most when it comes to dissecting woods and water. But the simple answer is really understanding the food source, bedding area, and how they travel in-between. Here is a pic of a section of my farm. From working the land all year, i keep up on the changing travel routes and bedding areas under different conditions and wind direction. As mentioned, pressure will change their habits in a matter of a day or two, forcing them to become more nocturnal. At that point, it a patience game of being in the right spot when a buck makes a mistake. Its common for me to see deer on opening weekend all day long moving amongst their bedding area. By day three, I’m hard pressed to see a deer. Ironically, the biggest bucks I have shot over the last 20 years of having my farm has been late-mid week. More times than not, I get them with their head down sneaking through some really concealed travel routes early morning.