Congratulations to your father and yourself, Brad. The way you are able to keep track of all these bucks and create and save the history is simply amazing.
I am in a similar situation to you in the way that I would not be half of the hunter I am today without the help of many! These are the folks that truly make our local hunting community ripe for success. Roger seems like a magnificent father to purchase a wonderful piece of property and embrace the fundamentals of QDM through all of the tougher years in the beginning. You hit the nail on the head when you gave thanks to him and recognize none of these memories would have been possible without him. I hope that someday my own father will be able to drop the hammer on a monster as well
I honestly believe we are both extremely lucky to have the supportive families and hard-working involved friends that we do. The very best piece of advice I ever received from you was to hire Bob Bergeson from Trophy Plots Plus to help analyze our property and plant food plots in strategic locations
. Having a friend like him has made it possible for me to be a better hunter simply by being in the woods. He truly has poured his blood and sweat into our various joint projects year after year…and hopefully for many more to come.
Congrats to the Juares! Awesome Bucks!