I have always been a firm believer of “When in doubt back out” . That is until this morning. Last night just before 6pm I stuck a doe with what I thought was a good hit, I waited for 25 minutes and then got down from my stand to check my arrow. Much to my surprise there was no blood on the arrow but allot of hair and the arrow smelled like it had passed through the deer, also it did not look like it was gut shot. I did not find any blood where I found the arrow, it was starting to get dark and I did not have a flash light on me as I had forgot my back pack at home so I thought it best to back out and come back in the morning. Got back out there first think this morning and it did not take me long to find a blood trail, it was not a heavy blood trail but fairly easy to follow. The deer did not go far, she ended up just where I thought she would be in the bottom of the ravine about 75 yards from my stand. Much to my surprise the only thing left of the deer was the pelt and the skeleton, I have seen deer that have had the rear end eaten by coyotes but never in my nearly 30 years of deer hunting have I ever seen a deer so destroyed by coyotes, every bit of meat was gone, all of the gut pile gone, just the pelt and the skeleton, and the skeleton was not in tack either, spread out all over the place even some of the bones had been chewed down. The lesson I learned today was I need to start coyote hunting in the off season and kill as many of these dam things that I can. Anytime you have an opportunity to kill a coyote even while deer hunting don’t hesitate take the dam thing out!
Lesson Learned
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