Antler Point Restrictions (APR)

  • Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Here is some data from Missouri. This shows that in areas where APR exists, the buck age class contains many more older age class bucks. Their data shows that total buck harvest also increases. So what this is saying is that we can expect to harvest as many bucks as we were before APR. Only difference is that we can expect to be taking bigger bucks. Everyone wins!!!!!

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Here’s some zone 3 bucks taken this year. I don’t have much of the details from these. I am hearing some very positive stories about APR this year. More bucks and bigger bucks, both observed and harvested. Please continue to share your stories about APR and send me your pictures or post them here yourself.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I love that video where they switch spots and whack two really nice bucks. Bill and his staff are doing a great job!

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 270


    I love that video where they switch spots and whack two really nice bucks. Bill and his staff are doing a great job!

    I can’t say enough good things about Bill and MWW.

    Southeast, MN
    Posts: 1014



    I love that video where they switch spots and whack two really nice bucks. Bill and his staff are doing a great job!

    I can’t say enough good things about Bill and MWW.

    Agreed, love the show and also love whats happening with the APR. I hunt one property in that zone and its amazing the 2.5-4.5 year old bucks on camera this year!

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    What realy get me is that they put the apr zone in the south eastern part of the state… That area had the best potential for producing big deer already,I wish they would branch out or start another zone. As a big deer lover its not fair at all for me or any other trophy hunters that we have to hunt in areas that people clearly dont care what they shoot!
    Our farms in Missouri are prime example of APR working on a single farm I surveyed at least 15 bucks over 3 years old on 320 acres, its amazing, deer that I would save pictures of in MN dont get more than a glance and a mouse click! Everybody likes mature deer with big raxx, but what gets me going is young deer with big racks year old 110 inch 8 points and 2 year old 6x6s to me displays that by having a better age structure in the herd wecan ensure the transfer of the best genetics!

    Ham Lake ,MN
    Posts: 303

    I would love to have the APR where I hunt

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    I hunt one property in that zone and its amazing the 2.5-4.5 year old bucks on camera this year!

    X2 it is amazing the differnce we are seeing in just two years, we are also seeing way more 2.5-4.5 year old bucks on camera this year. If you hunt in zone three and want to see APR continue be sure to check out the Minnesota Whitetail Alliance link in my sig file, it is free to join and there you can learn how to help get APR passed into law.

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    Zone 2 please zone 2!

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    Zone 2 please zone 2!

    Write to your legislators that is where it starts, then send a letter to Lou Cornicelli at the DNR.

    Posts: 309

    WOw im sure theirs alot or people saying told u so to others on this subject I remember a few years back when it was under way their were alot of people crying about them doing this now were are all those people that didnt think it would work or help. Ive been for it from day one and thought it was great it just made sense to me. I for one hunt zone three pime time country and love it and hope they do spread it to all u other zones.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    I for one hunt zone three pime time country and love it and hope they do spread it to all u other zones.

    Remember this is just a 3 year pilot program this is the last year of APR, after this year it will be up to the legislators to decide if APR will be put into place permanently. All zone three hunters if you like APR you need to contact your legislators and tell them you want APR to stay.

    Posts: 309

    yes sir I for one am all over that

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    yes sir I for one am all over that

    Southeast, MN
    Posts: 1014


    What realy get me is that they put the apr zone in the south eastern part of the state… That area had the best potential for producing big deer already,I wish they would branch out or start another zone. As a big deer lover its not fair at all for me or any other trophy hunters that we have to hunt in areas that people clearly dont care what they shoot!
    Our farms in Missouri are prime example of APR working on a single farm I surveyed at least 15 bucks over 3 years old on 320 acres, its amazing, deer that I would save pictures of in MN dont get more than a glance and a mouse click! Everybody likes mature deer with big raxx, but what gets me going is young deer with big racks year old 110 inch 8 points and 2 year old 6x6s to me displays that by having a better age structure in the herd wecan ensure the transfer of the best genetics!

    I hear you Ben. Wish they would just enact it everywhere! Most of my spots are literally within a couple miles of the magical line that is not included in the rule. I have to say these spots are getting better also with people being more selective but I would love to have to force some of the neighbors to actually see what they are shooting. As I always say, if you are going to throw the rack in the corner or for the dog to play with, please shoot a doe instead!

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12497

    Where in the data does it show total # of buck harvested? The graph only shows the breakdown of the age of bucks harvested.I am also currious – Do they age all bucks shot in those area’s in Missouri, or is this just a sample of bucks from those area’s

    Posts: 711


    I would love to have to force some of the neighbors to actually see what they are shooting.

    you are absalutly right scott, if your neighbors don’t think like you it is the goverments responsability to come in and force your way of thinking down there throats

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12497

    As I have said several times before on the subject of APR. This is something that ALL Deer hunters should have a voice in. If they want to know what ALL deer hunters think about this topic they should just make it a choice hunters have to make on in the form of a ? On the deer hunting license at the time a license is purchased. If the majority of hunters are in favor of it – then so be it. I think it is kind of funny how some of those who are in favor of it say – the DNR should make it state wide. but then in another post state that government has to much control over people these days. So as long as the control is for something they agree with it’s Ok but, if not then the government should just stay out of it.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Everyone has a chance to voice there opinion on APR, the DNR has had all kinds of open meetings to the public and plenty of opinion polls online on the DNR website. All one has to do to have there voice heard on APR is to show up to one of the public meetings, and I have posted everyone of them here on this site and will continue to do so.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12497

    The average hunter is not going to take time and drive miles away to go to a meeting or fill out a online survey. The simplest way to do it is a poll at license purchase time. That way all deer hunters have a voice in the matter. Like politics I just don’t like choices being made for many by just a FEW outspoken hunters. Not when there is a way to hear from the whole.

    Posts: 309

    I understand both sides of this topic I really do but lets face it their is nobody that heads out to their stand and says I have no hope and dont care if I ever shoot a trophy whitetail……………. Everybody weather whitetail,elk or any other animal with horns wants to shoot a trophy if their wasnt a chance to shoot a trophy their wouldnt be half the hunters their is out their thats what drives us to get out of bed when its cold as hell out. Thats what drives us to run cams all year and check them time after time in hopes to see whats out their if u caught a trophy on your cam.

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956


    Do not force your neighbors into a position to have to follow your needs and wants.

    Well currently and for the last how ever long thats what has been taking place, Im forced into a position of hating them for shooting fork horns! Everything about hunting is mandated by laws, if things werent there would be no game left, not all mandates are bad and personaly I like to see my dnr do something right! Minnesota treats deer like a problem and a means of financial gain. Wisconson hires DR. DEER the help with their managment plan! Mns herd is in desperate need of changes soon! Areas where there were once hundreds of deer are virtually devoid of tracks even. Recreationly hunting and fishing are all I do, and I know Im not alone. Im fed up with the random killing of young bucks just cause their bucks, its [censored] sick….

    Dodge Center, MN/Alma,WI
    Posts: 302

    How is APR different than size limits and slot limits for fish? Do fisherman complain about not being able to keep every single fish they catch?

    Posts: 309

    DIdnt think of that great point I like that

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4070


    How is APR different than size limits and slot limits for fish? Do fisherman complain about not being able to keep every single fish they catch?

    Its different because slot limits protect the best breeding size fish and therefore sustain or increase the population. I don’t see the connection that APR does anything to help sustain or increase the whitetail population. A biproduct of slot limits is trophy size fish.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239



    How is APR different than size limits and slot limits for fish? Do fisherman complain about not being able to keep every single fish they catch?

    Its different because slot limits protect the best breeding size fish and therefore sustain or increase the population. I don’t see the connection that APR does anything to help sustain or increase the whitetail population. A biproduct of slot limits is trophy size fish.

    APR helps protect the young bucks to hopefully live past 1.5 & 2.5 years old. APR is more about a more balance heard then it is about big racks but yes one of the benifts of APR is bucks with bigger racks.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    While I enjoy seeing pics of bigger bucks on camera that have become older and nocturnal, those bigger, older bucks I’m seeing in zone 3 are NOT getting harvested. They are nocturnal.

    It has nothing to do with buck harvest or balance of heard. If that was the case, there would be less does taken OR there would not be an open buck harvest. This would be regulated by the DNR, just like it has for anterless harvest for so many years.

    It is nothing more than antler greed.
    While the majority of people want to shoot a trophy buck or catch a 10lb walleye, if they are “common”, then they are not trophies, are they?

    NOT EVERYONE CAN HAVE A TROPHY! This isn’t soccer people. Not everyone can have a trophy. Not everyone wins.
    Not everyone is in it for the competition.
    Some people enjoy “hunting”, not shooting big antlers.

    so sad, but so true. All about greed.

    But, as I said, I’m enjoying seeing the half-dozen 8pt- to 12pt bucks we are seeing that are nocturnal.

    HOWEVER, on a flip side of the coin, I know of several areas in zone 3 that have minimal hunting pressure, but do not produce big antler bucks.
    I think they should roll zone 3 into “earn a buck” program by shooting a doe first and that no archery should take a buck. All archery should be anterless only. Because archery is about the hunt, not the animal, right?????

    I’m sure I struck a few nerves here. But that is OK. The nerves I struck are those who I speak the truth of. The truth being special interest of the minority being shoved down the throat of the majority, through lobbying of our government.

    Shoreview, MN
    Posts: 723


    I don’t see the connection that APR does anything to help sustain or increase the whitetail population.

    The main goal is to balance the sex ratio of the herd, this results in most does being bred in the first rut instead of the second or third which in turn allows the does to drop the fawns at the best time of year for their health. A two month younger fawn is just not ready for winter when it comes, there is less natural forage during the fall for the does to produce nutrient rich milk and it is almost unfair to hunt the young and foolish bucks during the rut. They have no idea what they are doing, would you keep a limit of walleyes you netted during the spawn? Walleye reference is not a breeding comparison, it’s a shooting fish in the barrel comparison. All of the items listed above will help grow and sustain the population. And yes, if the average hunter has to identify their target before they squeeze the trigger, there will be more mature bucks running around which will not hurt anyone.

    Shoreview, MN
    Posts: 723


    Goverment mandate is something that should not happen with fishing or hunting on private lands.

    Do you honestly believe the average land owner is capable and educated enough to make good decisions pertaining to the future of every and any species on a piece of land or water? I have met most of my land owning neighbors and am amazed that some of them can dress themselves in the morning, let alone decide how to preserve and cherish a natural resource for the future.

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