
  • tapout
    Posts: 309

    IVe never used one before and was wondering if I could get some input on how I should go about it im guessing find an active ground scrape and hang it. But what would be good to use in it for end of oct beginning og nov?

    Posts: 2998

    I have had luck using them with wildlife research active scrape making my own mock scrape. I honestly feel using scents is all trial and error. What might work good for one guy might not for the next. All I can say is why not try, if you don’t try it don’t work if you try and don’t work you end up in the same boat. But if it works you won’t regret it!!

    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    this is the same thing I posted in the Lure Scent blog:

    i couldn’t imagine hunting in late Oct. without using a scent dripper. I always wait until Oct. 17-18 before setting up my dripper on an existing scrape. I usually wait 2-3 days before hunting over it or a location that leads to or from it and have had deadly results… including my PB buck (174″).

    I like to mix Active Scrape and Trails End #307 in the dripper bottle and spray a 10-15′ (in diameter) circle of Golden Estrus on all the weeds, brush, etc below.

    I do this on 3-5 diff set-ups and put a camera on each. After the 2-3 days, I go back and check all the cams and make my decision on which area to hunt…. often times, not on the scrape itself but the travel route to or from. (depends on where I can get a shot during daylight)

    Posts: 309

    THats the answer I was looking for. Thats sounds like a good way to go about it thanks ill givr it a shot ill hang it end of oct and see what I come up with thanks gobbler.

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