Good News, I think… NO CWD found

  • flatfish
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2105


    They’ve been reporting on the local news here in Rochester the same findings. Good news for sure. I wish they would pull the plug and go back to the way it was

    A big ‘ditto’ on that
    Although in most of the area in old zone 343, there was ‘intensive’ harvest. Wonder too, if that will change???

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13709

    I really hope that the CWD perception doesn’t over shadow reality and cause the massive eradication efforts that wqe have endured here in southern WI. Hunting aside, I really miss seeing the occasional deer out in the field, or stumbling upon a few bedding deer while walking my trap line. Pretty pathetic when seeing a lone doe in a field feels equivalent to seeing a 200″ buck standing 5 yards from your treestand

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