They say the slice in his ear is from removing the ear tag

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IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » Deer Hunting » Dumbest poacher/thief ever
He’ll probably end up getting off easy just like that guy from MN did that shot the “new” world record 8
I don’t understand why the perpetrator can’t be identified-he is 19 years old and is legally an adult in MN
Just don’t get it. I’m sure he’s smiling proud as a peacock under the magic marker too. Very sad ordeal!
What was the idiot thinking. I am sure he will get off easier then what he should but I bet he will owe the owner of that deer over 10 grand.
Posted this story on my facebook and got this reply from a guy from that area.
“They had helicopters down there today looking for the 3 other huge deer that escaped through the fence. I heard he will be charged for those deer as well. I was also told that deer was worth about 30 grand and the authorities can triple that because of the circumstances. Its really bad. This kid is in a world of trouble.”
How could you feel right about shooting that deer? How could a person smile about that. Terrible
What an idiot! How did he ever think he could get away with that?! Then take your picture with it and show other people.
Wow I’ve come to the conclusion that I will just never understand what some people are thinking….
You have no idea how dumb this is. I live in Rushford and consider it a fantastic community. I just can’t believe any human would ever think they would not get caught. He posted the pictures the same morning he shot it. Just dumb.
Thanks guys. I’m signed up over on the fishing side as well under the same user name. Been checking out these sites for years.
BTW, I drive past that deer farm everyday. I’ve seen him in the pen. That kid definitly won the gold medal for stupidity.
Welcome Rushcreek!!
SO do you know this guy? What kind of guy is he? aside from this of course because we know that part.
That is one stupid human being. How could you possibly think you were going to get away with that.
Just don’t get it. I’m sure he’s smiling proud as a peacock under the magic marker too. Very sad ordeal!
You’re dead on Randy..
Nope, don’t him. Don’t want to know him. I had a police officer tell me once that the reason they catch so many criminals, is becuase most of them are dumb. I think that logic applies in this instance.
Does that sticker say “Fire Department”
Sure looks like it!
That is one stupid human being. How could you possibly think you were going to get away with that.
What is even more stupid I heard he posted this pic on facebook and that is how he got caught.
That is one stupid human being. How could you possibly think you were going to get away with that.
What is even more stupid I heard he posted this pic on facebook and that is how he got caught.
Here is another pic that has been going around.
Oh Goodness!
Nothing like tagging yourself as “that guy” in your community for the rest of your life.
Part of me wants to know if the guy taking the pics had a clue. And/OR what story he was told by this dude.
This kid is an idiot lolHow does that quote go? Can’t fix stupid?
I’m guessing this individual had no idea the punishment he could recieve at the time he commited this heinus act. Not only is he going to be receiving his due punishment, his name and face will be attached to this crime for the rest of his life.
I think as part of the punishment he should have to get a fathead of that third picture made and keep it in his house for the rest of his life! “Remember that day buddy? You are the tiniest of mental midgets throughout history but you sure look proud in that picture!”
Do you hold that pose everytime you shoot a 3d target as well? It would also be funny to handcuff him to the gaurd rail under this deer while it was on the wall of shame.
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