I finally see something worth shooting tonight
I sat in the stand tonight i just moved to on the edge of a corn field. At 4:25 i saw a buck walking from a finger of woods toward me, followed by what looked like a doe! About ten minutes later, i finally see the buck headed right toward me, he was a 2.5 y/o 8 pointer. He comes to 15 yards and i let him walk. The other deer was a small 6 point and i let him walk too.
These deer got down wind of me and stayed around for about 30 minutes, but they could tell something was up
About 5 o’ clock, i see two more deer walking in the woods perpendicular to me. They enter the field about 70 yards away, but their bodies kept getting bigger and bigger
I get the binocs on them and the first deer is a small buck, but the second is a shooter 8 pointer
They start walking toward the other 2 bucks and i range the big 8 point at 44.5 yards, but branches from the tree i was in were blocking me from shooting He stays behind these branches and the other bucks get skidish and move off the field. He ended up following them and the rest is history
What a great night though!! That was the first shooter ive seen all year and im pretty sure it was the same buck i saw out in this field a week ago It was also the biggest bachelor group ive seen all year too
I plan on moving my stand again tomorrow further back in the woods where these bucks came out. Hopefully ill see them about 10 minutes earlier this time
December 7, 2011 at 11:22 pm