Shockey’s Gold

  • deertracker
    Posts: 9309

    I’m leaving in a few hours for a 4 day muzzle loader trip. I’m borrowing my buddies gun and he sent with the Shockey’s Gold sticks. I’ve only used pellets. Does it matter if the big or little end goes in first? I can’t get their website toi load and find nothing but bad comments on a google search. Any help?

    Posts: 6441

    I doubt it matters but I load big end 1st

    Good luck !

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 698

    I load the small end first, simply to help ‘funnel’ it into the barrel. I don’t think it really matters, though.

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Anybody understand the shape of these??? Are you supposed to crush them when seating the bullet? I bought a container a last year and never shot any yet. With pellets i have my ramroad scribed so I know I’m completely seated.

    Ham Lake ,MN
    Posts: 303

    I used American pioneer powder Shockey gold for a few years and had problems with it I had to resight I with every new bottle I got and found it to be very inconsistent it did burn very clean but went to triple seven and found it to be very consistant and fairly clean burning I sighted in with the first box of powder I got and have gone through 6 boxes and never had to change a thing also the accuracy was a lot better and flatter shooting I went from being on at 50 and 8 inches low at 100 now I am on at 50 and 4 inches low at 100 with a 300 grain sabot. I have killed many deer with both but I would recommend the triple seven cause of the consistency and accuracy just my honest opinion and experience hope it helps you out

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