Hey guys, congrats on all the animals you’ve been knocking down so far, been a great year for a lot of people!
Here is my WI Archery buck, shot on Nov.5th. I rattled him in. He is the first deer I saw from stand in 59 hours of sitting. Yep 59 hours, crazy! He came in pretty hard to a fight, chasing sequence. I heard him coming from 150 yards away, so I had plenty of time to get ready. He should have been able to easily get downwind, but he was too ready too fight, and came right to the tree, ears pinned back and licking his nose. I passed him the first time I had an opportunity at 20 yards , he then turned and came head on and at 15 yards I realized I had better shoot.
I was able to get the arrow in him, and he was dead 50 yards from the shot! He field dressed 226# 48 hours later. He has a 22″ inside spread, over 6″ mass on his right side, all the way around. Almost 8″ mass on two measurements on his left side, plus that side is pretty unique. As a typical he would gross low 170’s, but he has a unique non-typical left side! Good luck the rest of the fall!