Well it was an interesting season. I had another close call on another buck that was a size bigger a few days earlier. Tues morning the wind dictated that the main bow stands were out of the question as there was a bit of east in the north breeze. So I grabbed the gun and headed to a gun stand. This kill was probably one of the most action packed I have had leading up to the shot. He was chasing a doe and fighting off another small buck for quite some time before I had my chance. I could go on and on with all the details but the bottom line is he finally offered a shot after he was done breeding a doe and he was down for good.
Only 15 3/4″ wide, 21 1/2″ main beams, 14 scorable points, (2 drop tines/points off antlers are broken off), grossed 153″. Cool non typical. Something I’ve always hoped for!