This weekends RUT!!

  • Bearclaw1605
    Posts: 8

    First of Im new to the site, Glad to be here. I have been reading a lot about the rut and I have heard this weekend is going to be a amazing couple days for the rut… Any input or observations on deer moving more?

    Posts: 6441

    Welcome ! If I knew that I would be a rich man

    Posts: 8

    I hunt in Princeton and last weekend I saw 17 deer, 3 nice bucks, But I know there are 2 monsters out there, I own 25 acres and I have seen them multiple times, Im hoping they decide to chase this weekend, I have a stand right on one of the 4 corners of rubs/scrapes

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Welcome to the site! Glad you joined! I hunt near Pierz,MN and also witnessed some chasing and tending last weekend. Hopefullly it will continue this weekend!

    Good luck!

    Posts: 8

    Thanks! Im hoping the 2 big boys on my land are moving, I shot a 178″ last year with a bow and need to top that this year lol

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Good luck out there this weekend guys!! Personally I’m still looking for my first rutting activty since firearms opened.. No doubt it’s going on though..and may be tailing off.

    Posts: 217

    Been hunting around Pequot and have not seen any rut activty at all

    Posts: 8

    I have seen a lot of fresh scrapes and rubs near me, hoping it all falls into place tomorrow

    Posts: 324

    I hunt by austin. And this morning I had 3it small bucks and a decent 120 class buck which I missed at 50 yards with my bow. They were together which I found a little odd for this time of year.

    Posts: 33

    I hunted lasted weekend and I shot my biggest deer to date. The boys where moving last weekend my buck he was in full rut big a!@ head n neck! We named him stinky old basterd!!( This is just my opiton) Good luck too all!

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    Welcome to IDO Glad to have ya onboard. Good luck this weekend

    Fairfax, IOWA
    Posts: 408

    Welcome aboard!! I hunt southern Wisconsin and today has been pretty good so far. Just had a 14″ buck come through grunting like a little piggy. Buddy shot a nice one yesterday and another missed a bruiser….I think the best action is yet to come. Hold on tight cause its gonna be a wild ride!

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    Hopefully these clear full moon nights don’t slow the days down… Continued good luck out there!!!


    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    I hunt NE Iowa and have hunted from light to dark the last 8 days straight sometimes getting down mid day to try a diferant spot. I can tell you that here in the last 5 days I have seen 6 bucks that were at least 3.5 years old and 4 of those were following directly behind a hot doe. The other 2 were looking. I have seen many young bucks chasing does that didn’t want anything to do with them. I have also seen a couple does that still had there fawns with them. Today I had good action in the am for an hour or so and the rest of the day was dead. I beleive that there are enough does in heat that many bucks are locked down with them. When they are done they will be out looking for the next hot doe. Ive had my best luck finding the newest rub lines in the woods and setting up on them right away. Of the 6 older deer I have seen this weak all but 1 of them came in between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm.

    Posts: 8

    Well guys, I only saw one deer, but I brought my buddy up with me, he has only shot a doe in his life, and you guessed it he ends up shooting a 150 class 10 pointer, it was a gorgeous deer,the look on his face when we walked up to it was priceless

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