15 pointer

  • newt
    Pillager, MN
    Posts: 621

    My son Andy’s 15 pointer. Shot NW of Bemidji on Monday Nov 7. The taxidermist measured him: SCI 152 3/8 , 144 Typical (both gross and not official).

    Way to go Andy!!

    OtterTail Cty/Minnetrista
    Posts: 265

    Awesome buck for that neck of the woods! Congrats.

    Posts: 87

    Alright here’s the story on him;
    After not seeing much deer movement the first two days of rifle, mostly due to windy conditions, I decided to sit at a stand tucked back in the swamp my father and cousin put up about a month ago, which no one has sat in yet. Monday afternoon turned out to be perfect hunting weather, with a little chill and little wind.
    Walking to the stand I spooked a doe out, and after climbing in the ladder stand and waiting for 5 minutes, she came walking back into the swamp. After another 30 minutes she came walking back out again, this time right in front of my stand, and me with out a face mask on, I tried to hide my face in my right shoulder so I wouldn’t be so exposed. Well as soon as she got about 15 yards in front of me, I thought I heard a grunt from the direction the doe came (behind me and to the right)…when a massive body and horns stepped out through the brush, I couldn’t even stop myself from saying “oh my god”, I was praying that he would follow the doe to an easy 15 yard shot with my .308 ha, but he turned and started walking away, but he only went about 10 yards, and started rubbing a tree. With the doe still standing right in front of me I couldn’t move a muscle, when she finally wondered off behind a pine tree, I roted myself to back to my right quite a ways being that I’m a right handed shooter, balancing on a small corner of my stand, with one foot on for balance and the other one dangling down, I raised my scope just in time to watch him take two steps into the swamp and vanish. Well sense I heard him grunt I figure I’d try and challenge him, so I grabbed my grunt tube around my neck, and hit a few small grunts, which ended up callin in a small fork horn from my right, who walked behind me and disapeared somewhere??? After a little bit I grunted again, this time a little louder, when I saw him stick his head out and start looking for the deer who made the noise. All I could see through the scope was his neck and the very front part of his shoulder, and it was through some light brush. Not wanting the biggiest buck I’d ever seen on hoof while hunting disapear, I put the cross hairs on his neck, and pulled the trigger…..
    After the shot rang out, there was silence, no deer running, no tails, no noise…which I wasn’t sure if it was a good or bad thing, so I referenced where he was standing from my stand by lining up two trees. I got down and started heading that way, when I saw a tail running back into the swamp, which I thought for sure was my buck,so I figured I should go look to see if I can find some blood, I lined up my trees and started walking, when all of a sudden about 15 yards away on the other side of a big log, I saw a deer laying right where he was suppose to be standing, I put my scope up and saw his body slowly rise and fall…so I quickly put one into his chest, where he let out a loud growl and started kicking, after a few seconds he stopped moving with me ready to fire again if need be. After he had stopped moving for a full 2 minutes, I walked up, and saw what kinda deer I had actually shot. My dad who I had texted after I shot the second time was already on his way at this time, knowing that I was holding off for a good deer. He showed up, shortly followed by my cousin, and everyone was all smiles! After guttings him out, we had to drag the beast about 300 yards through the swamp to where our atvs could make it, which didn’t bother me a bit! He had split brow tine on the left side, and a split G2 on the right, and two other stickers on his right horn. Couldn’t have asked for a better hunt, getting to call with a grunt call, having to shoot from an akward position, through some brush, at a small area, way back in the swamp, and then to have my dad and cousin there along with the ride…it was awesome!
    took me 10 years of gun and bow hunting (sense I was 12, now 22) to get my first deer on the wall, and now looking back I wouldn’t have had it any other way.
    Hope you guys enjoy the story, and that last pic is of my dad and me riding back to the cabin right after we loaded it into the trailer of my cousin’s 4 wheeler.

    Posts: 6441

    Awesome buck Andy ! Congrats !

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    maple grove,mn
    Posts: 116

    super buck. congrats!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    Great Buck and great story!

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 1007

    Great Buck Congrats

    Posts: 33

    X2 Vey nice buck!

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Congrats on a dandy! Seems like numbers are down in that area. Did u see the same thing?

    Posts: 9311

    Ah the famous 1 footed ladder stand shot. I did that with my bow once. Good story and congrats!

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    Awesome buck and Great story!

    West Central Sconni
    Posts: 431

    great buck – great story! Hope he spread them genes around already!

    Pillager, MN
    Posts: 621

    We weren’t seeing very much at all. Some nice bucks on trail cameras mostly at night. We are just starting to see a few scrapes. The many years of intensive harvest have taken it’s toll.

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