Question I need help with!

  • yogi
    Posts: 33

    Here’s the deal I got this nice old buck this weekend. I wanta put him on the wall What is your thoughts? Nice mass, 2 broken points. The best part is he is a good 4 yr old lots of gray and a 34 inch neck. Help me out . what does a mount go for?

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! If this is your first buck, then i would definitely mount him If this deer required a lot of work, i would mount him! I know plenty of people that mount smaller bucks (4 points to basket racks) because it was their first deer or it had special meaning behind it. I wouldn’t let someone else’s suggestion turn you away from mounting a buck that isn’t P&Y because that’s not what killing deer is about! If you think he’ll look good on the wall, then mount him

    I had my ’10 buck mounted at Dreams to Reality Taxidermy in Stacy, MN and Mark did a fantastic job He was running a special last year of $275 for shoulder mounts and this year his are $379.00 He is doing this to get his name out there and it has nothing to do with the quality of the mounts!

    Posts: 6441

    I would !

    Posts: 33

    He is my biggest deer to date. He is far from perfect but the color in his hide and the size of his neck would look great above the fireplace!

    Protourbait- I will def check that peson out thats a good price!

    Fairfax, IOWA
    Posts: 408

    My first nice one with bow. I went back and forth about whether I should mount it and ultimately decided that i wanted to. Absolutely zero regrets….only you can make the decision. Lets see pics if you do decide to have him mounted so we can see the awesome cape!

    Posts: 33

    Jake that is a great deer! If I shot him with my bow he would be on the wall for sure!

    Guess this guy is going to be a few bills shorter! ( Its just money!)

    Fairfax, IOWA
    Posts: 408

    Thanks buzz!
    A little taxidermist trickery was involved. He is only 15.5″ wide so the ears were laid back a bit to make it look wider.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    Buzz, nice character deer.
    Where you located?
    I know 2 different taxidermists that’ll probably run you about 350$ and I’m pretty sure the one can ‘make those broken points’ whole again if you want, but that might be extra..


    Posts: 33

    I’m in austin.. I’m open for any offers send me a pm if you cant advertise on here.


    Protour said it well and it’s something I’ve based my decisions on for my taxidermy decisions for quite some time..A trophy is in the eyes of the beholder as well as the woods he came from. Only you can decide if this buck meets this criteria and if you feel he does than he belongs above your fireplace.

    I second guessed myself on my first deer that I thought was wall worthy until my father reminded me of the motto above. Just misses P&Y by a few inches which was my standard for mounting a buck but after I made the decision to pit him on the wall I’m sure glad I did!

    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    The center one was 500.00 and found a new guy for 300.00 and would put his work up against anyone very natural. some guys use alot of filler on the nose and eyes to cover up poor taxideremy not this guy pays close attention to the nose putting all the individual bumps/pads on the nose. He’s located in platteville wi.

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    He is worthy of a shoulder mount…Congrats

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    I have a moose at Tom’s Taxidermy right up the road in Clarks Grove. I would put his work up against anyone. I think he told me a buck is right around $400, but give him a call and he can quote you over the phone.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Great buck!
    If you decide to get him mounted (which you should) I’d just take a look at the guy’s work before committing. I’ve seen some bad jobs done before. And just because a guy charges 300 or 350 doesnt mean he doesnt do good work either. Good luck

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Congrats on your buck! He looks really nice and I would get him mounted – it will help replay that hunting memory for the rest of your life.

    In regard to what taxidermist you should go with – it’s not an easy decision. I suggest you pick 2 or 3 – go visit with them and go look at the quality of their work. Most deer mounts look pretty good and then you see the next mount that looks way better.

    I have several mounts done by Kirk Peterson in Arkansaw, WI – 715-495-7985. He’s a couple hours away from Austin, but he’s one of the best and won 1st place in the WI Pro Division Taxidery Award a few years ago with a buck he killed himself.

    He also does antler tine repair and does an awesome job! I had 2 of my bucks repaired by him and they look like the real thing.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Congrats on a great deer!! I can also echo Brad’s sentiments about Kirk. I’ve stood in his shop and am amazed at his talent. A good taxidermist is a true artist. I’m hoping to bring something back from SD for him in the next few days…

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    PM sent

    Posts: 6441

    My buck this year will be my 4th Kirk has done for me I am a customer there for good ! Great work and a great guy !

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