“The summer of 2011 was no doubt the toughest summer I have ever seen in my many years of farming and outfitting in western Oklahoma. With nearly 95 days of 100 degree plus weather, the wildlife in my area suffered greatly, because of a lack of water and agricultural crops to sustain them. The drought prohibited most food plots planted from growing to reach maturity.
For the first time, I considered the merits of supplemental feeding and decided to try Nutra Deer’s Pro Antler protein feed. I set out several free choice feeders and was amazed at the results. The deer in my area started consuming the product quickly, and came back for more.
So the question that everyone wants to know is “Did you notice a difference in the size of the bucks antlers or body weights?” The proof is in the pudding. Recently outdoor writer Mike Lambeth and his wife Donna came down to Eagon’s Hi-Point Ranch near Carter, for a blackpowder hunt on the final weekend of season. Within a couple of hours after being in a ground blind, Donna shot her first blackpowder buck ever, dropping the brute at 167 yards. The buck was a mainframe 21 1/2-inch wide 5 X 5 with two sticker points, that later scored at 164 6/8 inches. Upon field dressing the buck, I was amazed at the massive layers of fat on the old buck’s body. The 5 1/2 year-old bruiser dressed at 165 pounds and was very healthy.
In closing, I would recommend Nutra Deer products to anyone who wants to grow bigger, healthier deer. If you get a chance, use the product and you’ll be glad you did.
Dale Eagon – Outfitter (580) 729-1009″