high to low

  • huntalot60
    Posts: 559

    well i shot what would have by my best bow buck last night. hit him at 34 yards quartering away hard on the left side higher in next to spine. 6 inches behind the ribs angling down . i think my arrow hit the loins and stop on the ribs. We track him a 1/2 mile last night at a steady walk. he went in some land i had to get permission to keep going ( they didn’t let a lot of people go in this woods) well after a sleepless night and phone call later me and landowners son are back tracking. he laid down twice and we lost blood after another 1/4 mile. we made a couple passes threw the thick cover near where we lost it. would have looked all 80 acres of woods but the landowners son was going to go hunting tonight. i was happy they let me at least go until i lost blood. going tomorrow in hopes he walk by again. if i was a betting man i think he is going to live but be a little sore. This sucks hardcore. i hate this feeling.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    Sorry to hear that Im guessing that buck is going to live though. At least you gave it your best in trying to recover him I hope you end up finding him on your last outing!

    Posts: 6441

    Bad deal but sounds like he will live. Good Luck if you get a second chance !

    Posts: 2998

    Sorry to hear this I think he will make it. You never know something even better may be coming your way!

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    Sorry to hear of your bad luck, I hope he makes it for ya

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