Alexandria, MN Buck Activity

  • Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    That is very cool
    Who is your taxidermist?

    Reads Landing Mn
    Posts: 696

    WOW very nice job! Who did the great work?

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    Great looking set up.


    central Iowa Lake City Mn
    Posts: 25

    This was done at Greg’s Taxidermy Aplington Iowa. The case was made by a friend of mine.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22956

    Nice job Is that a mountain lion in the background ???

    big G

    central Iowa Lake City Mn
    Posts: 25

    Yes that is at Greg’s Taxidermy. He does several every year.

    Posts: 9311

    I’m currently working nights and get to see what’s out and about. The last 5 nights the bucks have been moving all night long. I have seen numerous sets sparring, chasing and rubbing. Another guy saw a buck chasing a doe tonight on a flat out run. I saw 2 decent 8’s the other night sparring in the ditch during a rain storm. The best was tonight. I saw a good 8 and as soon as mt car got close it took off running. He had about a 3 foot branch stuck in his antlers as he was running away. All of these deer live in town, and can’t be hunted but I’m hearing the same type of reports from out in the county also. I quess I should maybe buy my bow tag now.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Hey, shouldn’t you be out trying to prevent crime instead of shining in the park all night??

    I guess if a guy has to work all night, at least you get to watch the critters!

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    Problem is even the city deer are nocternal! Don’t know that I have ever seen so little day movement, I should have stuck to my guns and stayed out til halloween. There ramped up but the best is a week or more out, when the bucks are standing in the road at noon then its go time!

    Posts: 2998


    I should have stuck to my guns and stayed out til halloween.

    It’s tough this is the first year I haven’t let me self go into my best spots till this time of year. Just waiting for the weekend now!

    Posts: 9311

    It’s funny, most of the big bucks are hanging out in peoples back yards. I’ve also seen some good bucks eating buds of the trees in the Menards parking lot and deer crossing through the hospital parking lot.

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