My friends WI buck.

  • john_steinhauer
    Posts: 2998

    A good friend of mine shot this buck last weekend, and his shot was a little to far forward. Well with it being his biggest buck to date he decided to not give up, and 5 days later he found what he had been looking for. I give him allot of credit for sticking it out for that long even though the meat was shot he stuck with it and found him, and filled his buck tag for the season. Congrats Tyler on a nice eight point, and your biggest buck to date!

    I have only seen pics so far, what you guys think he will score?

    Fairfax, IOWA
    Posts: 408

    Awesome deer and even better determination to locate a deer that was hit less than perfect!!! A LOT of hunters would have given up long before that.

    I haven’t ever scored a deer but here is my guess:

    Main Beams=18″x2=36

    Inside Spread=17″






    Seems a little low to me but in line with what Justin said.

    Posts: 6441

    Congrats to him and kudos for sticking with the search
    I agree 110″-115″

    Posts: 78

    Way to stick with it

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    How far from the shot was he found?

    Posts: 2998

    The way it sounds about 200 yards, I was with looking the night it was shot the blood trail was a short with not allot of blood. The shot was about a 15yrd shot quartering away but the arrow placement was forward. He let him lay for 4 hrs before I showed up to help look. Where he was found we both walked past it a few times. When he called to tell me he found him, he said he had to pretty much lay down and crawl on his hands and knees to get into the area he was found. The blood trail was odd to me, there was about 50 yards of some pretty bright blood not much for an amount though then it seemed to get jelly like, and then nothing.

    Mantorville, Mn
    Posts: 830


    Phillips, WI
    Posts: 4

    you have 8 mass measurements, not 6.

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