Never filled my buck tag this early. With the cool, wet and windy weather early in the week I was hoping thursday’s calm high pressure would get some deer moving. I got to my stand a little late but was settled in by 5:30pm. The woods were loud with acorns, hickory nuts and walnuts dropping. Plenty of animals scavenging too. About 6:10 I see some movement below me at 50 yards. My binos spot legs working a scrape and I move up to see a rack thrashing the low hanging branches above. He starts slowly working his way towards me and is on a trail that passes 15 yards below me. He changes the script at 20 yards and turns towards me. He cut up hill and stopped to look around. When he turns his head away I draw and take the 10 yard shot.
He went about 150 yards. The 2 blade rage didn’t leave a great blood trail. Early season fat seemed to seal the lower exit hole some. Went through the upper portion of both lungs. For a split second I thought about not shooting because it’s still Sept and not the rut but that didn’t last long.
45 minutes on stand this year for my buck.
Guess it’ll be a long season of doe hunting and videoing bucks.
143 5/8
205 lbs
20 pts for team 6!!