First Time Using A Slug

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  • gary_wellman
    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Hey MossyDan;
    I hear you about them old Brownings. I have an old A-5. That old style spring operated gun has yet to fail me, even in the coldest weather. To this day, I still use it more often than my other guns for birds. It is heavy, but very reliable and comfortable to shoot.

    You are all correct about finding the best round for you slug gun. It takes a lot of time at the range to find what works best. Once you find it……..your confidence is at its peak!

    Good luck to all out there for the deer season!!!


    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    Great post with some awesome info.The first deer I shot was with a Winchester 1300 and single bead sight.I hit that deer a little high at 50 yards but he still didn’t go anywhere. I then upgraded to a Remington 870 with a rifled slug barrel and have shot 9 deer since then I use open rifled sights simply because I’m comfy with that set-up.My 870 with slug barrel shoots so nice and has great patterns.I shoot 2.3/4 sluggers and have always had good luck with them.I shoot allot of my deer close because I’m a stand hunter by myself or a few others.I’m always amazed at these guys who toss 6 shots at a running deer at 150 yards.Never understood that part.Best of luck Hook with your choice.
    Ryan Hale

    Hey Ryan,
    I shoot the exact same gun you do, Remington 870 SP Deer gun with a nonreflective finish. I also hunt the same way you do, the same way I bow hunt, from a stand. I also use open sights as my shots are 50 yards or shorter.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    Great post with some awesome info.The first deer I shot was with a Winchester 1300 and single bead sight.I hit that deer a little high at 50 yards but he still didn’t go anywhere. I then upgraded to a Remington 870 with a rifled slug barrel and have shot 9 deer since then I use open rifled sights simply because I’m comfy with that set-up.My 870 with slug barrel shoots so nice and has great patterns.I shoot 2.3/4 sluggers and have always had good luck with them.I shoot allot of my deer close because I’m a stand hunter by myself or a few others.I’m always amazed at these guys who toss 6 shots at a running deer at 150 yards.Never understood that part.Best of luck Hook with your choice.
    Ryan Hale

    Hey Ryan,
    I shoot the exact same gun you do, Remington 870 SP Deer gun with a nonreflective finish. I also hunt the same way you do, the same way I bow hunt, from a stand. I also use open sights as my shots are 50 yards or shorter.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Seen here thawing out after a particularly nasty late December Iowa day:

    Mossberg 500A
    24″ fully rifled barrel
    AR-15 style pistol grip stock
    Ribbed synthetic forend
    Tasco ProPoint red-dot
    Mil style leather sling

    It’s an “ugly” gun, but I can’t imagine anything more functional for deer drives. For stand hunting, I use the smokepole because I would have no problem taking a 150yd+ shot with that rifle.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Seen here thawing out after a particularly nasty late December Iowa day:

    Mossberg 500A
    24″ fully rifled barrel
    AR-15 style pistol grip stock
    Ribbed synthetic forend
    Tasco ProPoint red-dot
    Mil style leather sling

    It’s an “ugly” gun, but I can’t imagine anything more functional for deer drives. For stand hunting, I use the smokepole because I would have no problem taking a 150yd+ shot with that rifle.

    Cottage Grove, Minn
    Posts: 1551

    Great post! “Sluggers unite” It’s great to see replies from the high tech’s to the grunts like me. We all get our deer, some more than others depending on the skill levels and confidence in our equipment. I’ve put down deer at 150 yards, one even running but that was a very unlucky deer. But like one other post, I can’t shoot like my old man. I’ve seen too many deer go down at 100+ yards with his brass bead to think I could ever shoot with him. Even the last 10 years he’s had to use a 3″ extension on the left of his barrell after losing his shooting eye to cancer.

    The other comment is about the post mentioning shooting multiple boxes of shells for target practice. When I am shooting slugs at paper, I have to quit after 8-10 shots because the darn thing is kicking me so hard I start to flinch. Doesn’t seem to bother when deer are running though. I must be a wuss.

    Cottage Grove, Minn
    Posts: 1551

    Great post! “Sluggers unite” It’s great to see replies from the high tech’s to the grunts like me. We all get our deer, some more than others depending on the skill levels and confidence in our equipment. I’ve put down deer at 150 yards, one even running but that was a very unlucky deer. But like one other post, I can’t shoot like my old man. I’ve seen too many deer go down at 100+ yards with his brass bead to think I could ever shoot with him. Even the last 10 years he’s had to use a 3″ extension on the left of his barrell after losing his shooting eye to cancer.

    The other comment is about the post mentioning shooting multiple boxes of shells for target practice. When I am shooting slugs at paper, I have to quit after 8-10 shots because the darn thing is kicking me so hard I start to flinch. Doesn’t seem to bother when deer are running though. I must be a wuss.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Not a wuss, I can’t stand to put more than about 10 through mine when all that’s in front of me is a piece of paper. The next day I’m invariably black and blue halfway down my arm, and I gave up shooting 3″ mags after only two shots.

    Be sure to practice in your hunting clothes, as they can have a real effect on your shooting. Usually, they’ll provide a little more padding as well.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Not a wuss, I can’t stand to put more than about 10 through mine when all that’s in front of me is a piece of paper. The next day I’m invariably black and blue halfway down my arm, and I gave up shooting 3″ mags after only two shots.

    Be sure to practice in your hunting clothes, as they can have a real effect on your shooting. Usually, they’ll provide a little more padding as well.

    Posts: 2

    I’m a little late replying to this but i have to tell you. I hunt in Oklahoma with a rifle. I just returned from New York from a deer hunt in the southern zone shotgun or muzzle loader only. I used a family member’s remington 11-87 special purpose 12 ga. with rifled barrel with winchester partition gold sabot slugs and 3x9x40 scope. Killed one deer at 125 yds and another at 200 yds. Sounds fishy i know but it is the honest truth. I was very impressed with this set up. Uncle has 20 ga. also and he sights both in at 100 yds. Usually about inch high at 100. If i ever have to use a shotgun again this will be the set up. 2″ groups at 100yds and dropped a deer at 200yds never thought it possible but uncle was harassing me for passing up long shots, said it would do it if i could shoot it.

    Posts: 2

    I’m a little late replying to this but i have to tell you. I hunt in Oklahoma with a rifle. I just returned from New York from a deer hunt in the southern zone shotgun or muzzle loader only. I used a family member’s remington 11-87 special purpose 12 ga. with rifled barrel with winchester partition gold sabot slugs and 3x9x40 scope. Killed one deer at 125 yds and another at 200 yds. Sounds fishy i know but it is the honest truth. I was very impressed with this set up. Uncle has 20 ga. also and he sights both in at 100 yds. Usually about inch high at 100. If i ever have to use a shotgun again this will be the set up. 2″ groups at 100yds and dropped a deer at 200yds never thought it possible but uncle was harassing me for passing up long shots, said it would do it if i could shoot it.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Welcome strawboss!
    Do you live in Oklahoma?

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Welcome strawboss!
    Do you live in Oklahoma?

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