Zone 3 – 4pt restriction

  • webstj
    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Curious if anyone has any follow up thoughts or experiences in relation to the 4pt restriction in Zone 3 now that we are in yr #2?

    We have at least 15 different 2 1/2 yr olds on camera this year as opposed to 5-6 in previous years. I would say we have just as many 2 1/2 as we do 1 1/2 yr olds and it makes camera watching much more exciting to say the least.

    Unfortunately, we get to witness the CWD hunt this year, so I imagine we will take 2 more steps backwards.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    Unfortunately, we get to witness the CWD hunt this year, so I imagine we will take 2 more steps backwards.

    Yes unfortunately the 4 point rule is exempt in the CWD hunt zone but hunters are still only allowed to take one buck each and you can not shoot a buck for someone else. We are also seeing more 2 1/2 yr olds this year.

    Posts: 2998

    I have noticed allot more 2 1/2’s as well.

    Posts: 130

    I’ve just been seeing more bucks in general, but quite a few less doe. In recent years, buck to doe was about 1:4/5, now it seems closer to 1:2. I hunt private land, and some of the neighbors I’ve talked to have mentioned taking more doe last year than usual, due to the 4 point rule. It will be interesting to see what this means for the upcoming years if we continue to pound doe and let the bucks grow! SE Minny a trophy area?? This could mean mucho $$, but also mucho out of staters..hmm. We have always had the potential, but now the age class will be in our favor!

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    I cant speak for extreme SE MN, but I know in the northern stretches of Zone 3 I do not see a problem with the Mucho $$$ that opponents speak of as the plat sizes and subdivision of property is already so small that it is either impossible to find lease land already or non-interest because of small plat size. Even now and in the previous 10 yrs it has been very hard to find lease land in Zone 3. It is obviously not because of trophy potential, but lack mostly lack thereof of any sizeable plats and private owned interest in itself. I personally dont see a huge change even when the trophy ptotential arrives. I am excitied to see the change though and I dont think they could have picked a better area for it to be needed. Just my opinion though..

    Southeast, MN
    Posts: 1014


    I cant speak for extreme SE MN, but I know in the northern stretches of Zone 3 I do not see a problem with the Mucho $$$ that opponents speak of as the plat sizes and subdivision of property is already so small that it is either impossible to find lease land already or non-interest because of small plat size. Even now and in the previous 10 yrs it has been very hard to find lease land in Zone 3. It is obviously not because of trophy potential, but lack mostly lack thereof of any sizeable plats and private owned interest in itself. I personally dont see a huge change even when the trophy ptotential arrives. I am excitied to see the change though and I dont think they could have picked a better area for it to be needed. Just my opinion though..

    X2 to many small plots of land to get decent high buck leases. You may be able to grab a 40 acre piece in a lease but will have a hard time finding anything much bigger and I am not sure if guys will pay huge bucks for such a small piece.

    The number of bucks around is staggering this year and the lower buck to doe ratio will increase buck sightings for everyone this fall as the competition will be increased.

    The next couple years should be great hunting and will only get better. Hopefully our legislators will see this and continue with the rule after year 3. We all now they are all biologists on the side thats why they should control our game and fish departments now!!! (Thats very sarcastic on my part!!! )

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