Welcome to the 2011 iDoHunting.com Team Deer Contest thread!!!
To be a part of this years contest, respond to this post that you want in. Following the IDO tradition, teams of three will be randomly picked just prior to September 15th. A Scoreboard will be posted with the Teams and the members of each team on the 16th. Who is elgible to enter this Contest??? Anyone that is signed up as a member on iDoHunting.com. It is FREE to become a member, so sign up or get all your friends and family signed up and entered into this very FUN contest. Sign up now to September 15th 2011 to join in on the fun. 
PRIZES??????…… There are none, but you do have bragging rights until next year. 
Here are the rules for this years Contest:
1) Just like last year IDO will only accept pics taken in the field before the deer is field dressed, if that is not possible please use your best discretion.
2) We are again NOT requiring pics of the deer tags this year as this contest is fun and on a honor system.
3) A maximum of one buck and two does or three does may be entered into this contest by each team member.
4) All entries must be submitted with a photograph of the deer on the IDO Deer Score Board Post (Score Board to follow once teams are selected)
5) Any legal weapon may be used during their set season depending upon states hunted.
6) Any buck harvested by YOURSELF is allowed to be entered into the contest. If you shoot a buck enter it, if you happen to shoot a higher scoring buck for the contest enter that too and the higher scoring buck will be the one counted and added to your team score. Still only one buck counts towards your score, but we are allowing people to enter multiple if they end up shooting a larger one after the first one.(Each team member may still only count one buck).
7) Adult does (no fawns) only can be entered into the contest for does, except for youth AGE 16 AND UNDER.
8) Points will be awarded for each harvest as follows:
-Each doe (up to three without a buck) entered by each team member are worth 5 points each.
-Any legal Buck are worth an automatic 10 points plus 1 additional point for each tine 1 inch or larger.
9) This contest is for whitetail and mule deer only.
10) Team members are not allowed to shoot Deer for each other.
**Deadline for Deer entries is January 31st 2012**
Any questions feel free to post them here!!!
IN-DEPTH OUTDOORS & iDoHunting.com wishes everyone a successful and SAFE Hunting Season this year. We look forward to hearing about your hunts, seeing your photos of all the game harvested and memories made in the field.