I have been hunting in ND for approx 22 seasons for rifle and archery.
The archery tag can be purchased over the counter but the rifle tag is by lottery only. Only 1% of the tags available in each zone go to the NS. Of that 1%, half of them go to the guides so yes, it is tough to pull buck tags.
I have a theory why I get drawn but it is just a theory with no proof or evidence to support it.
I get drawn way too many times for pure luck. I am not that lucky nor do I believe anyone is.
All I know is that thier computer likes me.
All the zones of course are different for the number of tags available and the number of people applied for in the lottery.
We have many that apply but with the economy and the hard winter the past 3 years, maybe the apps are way down. I will have to wait and see how many tags are left over after lottery 1 to know for sure how the lottery was applied for in regards to numbers.
If there are no doe tags left like the past 3 years, then many people applied.