I try to warn people about spring deer activities. All the media info focuses on the rut but every spring those youngsters get booted from mom to make room for the fawns and not just her, but it’s been documented that territorial, dominant does chase others right out of her area! These youngin’s are DUMB! They’re used to following a lead and not thinking so much on their own. So, in being “thrown out of the house” and being dumb to much of their own survival, most of the dead does you see along the roads are yearlings. A few first time moms are in the mix and of course, sometimes the new moms signal their little ones to cross and the fawn gets smacked.
According to a recent WI announcement, some of the earlier spring hits involve does trying to find a place to birth their new fawns. Hmmmm…..maybe but I drive for a living and very few “big” deer show up in the spring slaughter.
From early May through mid-June, deer/car collisions spike every year. So educate your friends and neighbors about the spring behaviors of deer. Remind them that it’s actually more dangerous than the rut because more people are on motorcycles in the spring and the leaves and grasses are up too, thus reducing early detection of their presence. REAAAAAAAALLLY slow down at night in high risk areas and look for deer where they’re normally not seen. Remember, yearlings are looking for a place to establish themselves in an area that other deer won’t kick them around in and will travel great distances to find one.