Deer stand – concrete or not???

  • whittsend
    Posts: 2389

    Putting in a box blind type deerstand / kids fort…

    I’m burying four treated 6x6x16′ posts on a slope – buried depth is between 3.5 and 6 feet. On top of this is going an 8x8x7′ structure.

    I have heard mixed reviews on using concrete with lumber. I am thinking about using some Quickcrete to help anchor the posts in high wind situations.

    Anyone have any suggestions regarding using (or not using) concrete with sunken posts?

    Attached is my idea of how I would use the concrete… I would only fill part of the hole with concrete to form a “collar”. I’m thinking the bottom collar only… Probably wouldn’t opt for using the top collar…


    I’m certainly no expert on this. Any suggestions are appreciated. This is basically a backyard fort, so it doesn’t have to be perfect…..

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 698

    Being a farmboy having set many posts, I would recommend concrete on the bottom only. If you have dirt in between two layers, the dirt would likely settle and you’d have a hollow area that could make the concrete on top collapse or crack. I would recommend gravel instead of dirt to pack on top of the concrete (if available).

    Good luck.

    South East,Mn
    Posts: 91

    My last deer fortress I built I didn’t use crete. I buried the 4×6’s 4 foot in the ground and 10 foot above. The base is 4’x6′ and used heavy 3/4″ ply and it is very strudy. Have heard that crete will speed up rot on your posts.

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    I would use the round cardboard sleeves for pouring the concrete into. they sell them at menards. You want a smooth surface so that the freeze thaw cycles won’t “jack” your posts out

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Here is an old post on this topic that you might remember….. CLICK HERE

    Sorry this does not answer your question about concrete but I have seen a box blind built with the Elevators and I was very impressed, if I ever build one it will be with the Elevators.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    We just started our first box blind last fall. We buried green treated 6x6s about 3 feet. We put two bags of quick crete around them. Topped off with whatever we augered out. The size is 6’x’8. We built a 2×10 frame around the outside of the posts. Used deck hangers for the remaining floor joists. It’s very solid even in the SD winds.

    I would not worry about the concrete doing anymore damage than what mother nature is going to throw your way.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    You can get those concrete pads I think they call them cookies. Dig your hole and drop em in. I’m pretty sure we did that with both of the decks on my houses and they worked fine..

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