I am also feeding allot
I had 17 acres of plots this year and normally have leftover corn. Not this year
the plots have been gone for over a month. I am feeding 100# of corn per day and also 2 bales of alfalfa per day. (very expensive)
I am feeding most every deer for at least a square mile. I hope the neighbors know that when their deer come home in the spring in great shape that it was no accident. I also have a close neighbor that is helping out by feeding the deer
30+ a night at one time and thats not counting the ones in the middle of the night. I would hate to guess how many are on the hill right now Bob. I bet the number would suprise us both!
My point exactly
Our two small parcel’s probably hold at the most 4-5 doe groups and 6-7 bucks totaling about 15-20 deer max. between your dad and I we are feeding well over 100 deer
like I said you won’t find a deer track within a mile of our land now but come spring they will head back to their home range in very good shape