Need help in Wisconsin

  • 2jranch
    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 851

    I think you are looking at the correct holes……they are exhaust relief holes, should spit at idle, full stream when you are running full throttle.

    up man
    Posts: 305

    95% of the water that comes into the motor goes back out in the lower unit. We had that probem with our opti max but after awhile it should pee out of there. Is it over heating??

    Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    well not that i can tell but when i took it out for the first time it would die when i went full throttle and i really didn’t look to see if i could see it pee out so thats what i am wondering?

    Posts: 16

    There should be a small hose going from block to a nipple on outer cowling, sometimes the hose gets plugged up from insects. Make sure hose is clear. If still nothing from pee hole you might need new impeller on waterpump. That’s how it always works with a old merc. I had. Good Luck!

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    Cant find where water pees out? look down.
    I apologize for that

    Rockford, Il
    Posts: 311

    It’s getting harder and harder to find land to hunt in illnois…so I’m looking to purchase land in northern wisconsin. There are some great deals to be had. I recently looked at a parcel in Mercer, just west of the TFF and another in Ashland county south of Glidden. Both of these properties are very dense in cover.

    In general, what’s the deer hunting like in these parts of the state? I’m used to hunting woods that have crops nearby. There are no crops around these do you pattern the deer? Both of these propertes have open areas for food plots which I know would help. So..are these parts of the state good for deer hunting? The owners of these properties of course told me they’re great.

    Posts: 6441

    The reason there are some great deals to be had up there is because the deer hunting is very poor right now. I see you live very close to me. I think you would be better off trying to get land around here. The deer numbers are quite a bit higher around here.

    Rockford, Il
    Posts: 311

    I actually live in Illinois now….I need to update my profile. What’s the story with the deer herd…too many predators?? I’m not opening up a can of worms here am I?? My realtor told me that his last few years of deer hunting has resulted in nocturnal activity, but he only rifle hunts. I almost strictly bowhunt. The last thing I want to do is purchase hunting land where there is nothing to hunt!!

    Posts: 6441

    The deer numbers up there are really low After a few years of EAB and now with the wolf numbers where they are. All adds up to a deer heard that is in trouble in Northern WI. I would look elsewhere in the state there are still areas with great deer numbers Buffalo Pepin Dunn and Crawford counties are at the top of the list in my opinion

    Arkansaw Wi
    Posts: 63

    Wolves wolves and more wolves! A good buddy of mine hunts around the bayfield area and hardly sees any deer. Even talking to people in the hayward area the deer hunting is still kind of poor. Dont get me wrong there are some really nice deer in these areas just not numbers. On the plus side the bear hunting is very good, but it takes 7 years to get a tag! I agree with pat for deer hunting I would stick to the west central part of the state, pepin buffalo trempelau dunn La Crosse area is all really good deer hunting

    Posts: 6441

    I forgot Trempealeau and LaCrosse

    Monroe county is a bit of a sleeper



    n general, what’s the deer hunting like in these parts of the state? I’m used to hunting woods that have crops nearby. There are no crops around these do you pattern the deer? Both of these propertes have open areas for food plots which I know would help.

    In my opinion, big woods deer are alot more difficult to pattern than farmland deer. Without a distinct food source and bedding area, I find that big woods whitetails travel much more and are difficult to consistently pattern. If you have the ability to get a large enough property where you could get some food plots in place, a water source, create a few funnels, a sanctuary, etc., you could potentially create yourself quite a nice property in a few years and make the deer much more patternable.

    But like Pat mentioned, its alot easier to start with a quality deer herd, and i’m starting to question that in northern WI right now.

    Posts: 395

    Vernon and Crawford counties produce GIANT bucks, similar to Buffalo and Trempeleau counties. The caveat is a little less QDM in those counties, but land prices are about 40% less. Much shorter drive from Illinois to western Wisconsin as opposed to Price Co.

    I consider those counties to be sleepers in Western Wisconsin. La Crosse county is good, too, but every farmer thinks his parcel is the next upscale development, so they price it accordingly.

    PM me if you are serious about land in Vernon or Crawford counties. I’m a Realtor with alot of hunting experience in these areas.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Of course I agree 100% with others. Wi has adopted the ‘scorched earth’ policy for deer mgt. They appear to be trying to eradicate the species from the northern public areas. Mn not much better…

    Posts: 1007

    This fall was one of the best I have seen for BIG bucks in Northern WI, in a long time. Yes the deer numbers are down, but the deer are still there to be had….it is however a totally different way to hunt than the Southern part of the state is. Don’t expect to sit a field edge and see 10-20 deer a night, with multiple P&Y class animals. There isn’t a lot of ag compared to the other parts of the state.


    Hundreds of thousands of acres of public land to access, no need to buy your own property unless you want to.

    Big woods enviroment is very rewarding to “figure” out, and you can get away from people…if you work at it.

    No limit to the number of areas you can hunt. Having thousands of acres to explore is priceless.


    Big woods enviroment can get frustrating if you don’t understand deer, and don’t bait.

    Baiting is very prevelant in Northern WI, and it really alters deer movement.

    Lots of predators. Bear, Wolves, and Coyotes. They have impacted the deer herd over the last few years.

    Lower deer densities can be frustrating for some.

    Not much ag, so different types of food sources are used. You need to understand that, unless you are going to chum.

    Antler size is much less, than deer of same age in the Southern part of the state. The genetics are there, but the nutrition is not. The rifle buck pictured with my son is from this year. 5.5 year old dressed just short of 200#, and grosses 124″. You’re talking 160″ class in Buff/Tremp counties. I could post dozens more that are very similar. 3.5-5.5 year old bucks generally run from 110″-145″. I hunt Ashland, Bayfield, and Douglas counties.

    Rockford, Il
    Posts: 311

    I should also add that in addition to hunting, I’d like to have a spot where the family could spend a few weekends…which is one of the main reasons for choosing northern WI(lots of lakes nearby). I could get 80-100 acres for about $1000/ac. I wonder if a guy were to open up the woods and plant some food plots if it would make hunting in this area more predictable. I plant a small plot in my land in illinois and the deer ravage it.

    I appreciate all the great input. It sounds like if I purchase land in N Wi it should be more for a family retreat, rather than deer hunting. I’m not really familiar with baiting and how it affects deer behavior.

    Rockford, Il
    Posts: 311

    Nice Deer Les!!

    Posts: 1007


    I could get 80-100 acres for about $1000/ac. I wonder if a guy were to open up the woods and plant some food plots if it would make hunting in this area more predictable.

    I appreciate all the great input. It sounds like if I purchase land in N Wi it should be more for a family retreat, rather than deer hunting.

    If you are buying 80-100, and look around, you can get it cheaper than that. LOTS of land for sale right now, up there.

    Food plots are unreal up there, they have nothing else. Put in the time and effort, and you will be rewarded.

    Disagree with the land being primarily for family. If you understand deer, you will do fine. That said, you won’t find any place prettier East of river. Take them to Madeline Island, tour Bayfield, Apple Fest, Big Top Chataqua…lots of things to do.

    Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    I concur with Les to the nth degree!!! I have lived up here since .’94 now, though further east of where he is spending time at. Up here if you want to shoot a deer without working for it real hard all you have to do is to get your land close to some kind of human development. They run around those areas in fair sized groups and generally are working the feeders.

    If you want a true northwoods hunt, buy enough land to be able to get some food plots in, again as Les alluded to, you will be rewarded. You can also go deep into the woods (Lots of opportunities) and look for good deer sign and do not need food plots. Look for funnels and/or natural food sources and you will find deer.

    You will be amazed at how far back into the woods you will find illegal deer baiting (dragging 5 – 100# bags of corn out at a time). This practice in almost every case will make the deer become nocturnal. There is no need for them to make themselves a target to us, they still have to deal with the normal run of the mill natural predators, but not us.

    Not a lot, but hope it helps some.


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