Just wanted to let all you Whitetail freaks know about this sounds like a Great display to me.
When: Sat. Feb 26th
Where: Bluff’s Bar and Grill
Hager City, WI
Time: 10AM – 7PM
Cost: $2.00 in advance (can be puchased at the Bluffs or from Ellsworth Boy Scouts Troop 138 or Prescott Legion Baseball Team)
$5.00 at the door
What this is all about?
All proceeds from ticket sales and raffles at the show will go to the Ellsworth Boy Scouts Troop 138 and Prescott Legion Baseball team. This show will have 150 -200 local deer mounts with alot of them being in the 150″ plus range.
This is just some of the bucks that will be at the show;
Ken Kalin’s 228″ non typical 2009 MN. Gun
Scott Kruse’s 196 3/8 gross typical WI Gun
Jesse Sullivan’s 195 5/8 non typical WI Gun
Jeremy Harshman’s 182 3/8 net typical WI Gun
Luke Flemming’s mounted locked buck’s
Will Shaw’s mounted locked buck’s
This is just a small sample of the bucks that will be on display at the Bluffs Bar and Grill on Sat. Febuary 26th. Also there will be vendors displaying products (if interested in a vendor booth at the cost of $50)