Bow Maintenance

  • craig daugherty
    Osseo, Mn
    Posts: 688

    Since the Bow season in Mn is now over, I noticed that I have some rust on the bolts on my Bow. I have been using Q-tips and alcohol on cleaning these items. Anyone else have an tips on cleaning a bow? Do they make a “scent free” product for cleaning?

    Posts: 507

    Great topic! It reminds me to get busy with mine! I like q-tips for gettong in the hard to reach places and i guess i havent really thought about scent free cleaners, but could a guy use a mild water and scent free soap combo if scent control is a concern?
    Also, I dont want to hijack your post, but what about strings and cables? What do you do to.maintain them?

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    I just did the same thing the other day but with a rust stop preventer/remover oil. I used Qtips also in the limb bolts and cam screws

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22965

    I use Rem wipes.. I know they are not scent free, but I use them on everything and I have shot enough deer close, to not stop using them For the string, I wax my bow string when I put it away and will pull it out around April or May and wax again

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    Ive never had an issue with the scent and scaring deer after using the oil or wipes. I only do it once a year after the archery season and leave it in my case until about March but i continue to wax my strings every few weeks when they are starting to become frayed

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    I used to work at a pro shop and you would not believe the bows that would come in rusted up.
    For cam and accessory screws, thay would all get a coat of light machine oil like Rem oil. Both of the cam axles would get removed and I would apply a light coat of lithium greese. Limb bolts would get the same treatment. As for the string and cables make sure you are using the soft black string wax not the harder white bees wax like stuff. the newer “no stretch” strings take the black stuff.
    My last year in the business I never bow hunted a single day but 6 of the guys bows that I worked on shot P&Y bucks, now that had nothing to do with me but the scent must not been that big of an issue.
    And of course this is just my .02

    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1095

    I use a Q-Tip and vegetable oil. It has very little scent. And just because the season is over doesn’t mean you have to stop shooting. Indoor archery leagues are just getting started. What a better way to spend a night talking hunting and letting a few arrows fly. I know there are a few openings in Maple Grove/Osseo at : Give them a call and see if you can fit a night in

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    I may be off my rocker, but I have been filling the hex screws on accessories with wax (a drop on the threads too). Apply a little heat if I ever want to take them out.

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