After tonights sit

  • coppertop
    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    I’ll be happy when season is over. A tough season for a good buck. Thank goodness for the fork and 6pt sparring match underneath me cuz the cold rain was brutal. One more sit and it’s time to relax. Good luck to everybody going out for the big finish in MN!

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    i sat for one last time tonight i didn’t see a thing but it was a great season to reflect on! good luck to everyone else!

    up man
    Posts: 305

    Heading to iowa for one more hunt next weekend. Just cant let go! Kinda wish i had planned a hunt in mississippi or alabama. theyre rut is just about to start, and they have some pretty nice bucks!

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956


    Heading to iowa for one more hunt next weekend. Just cant let go! Kinda wish i had planned a hunt in mississippi or alabama. theyre rut is just about to start, and they have some pretty nice bucks!

    They do but the hunting pressure is intense! I’m looking to Missori next year for late season, I never made it back out…My towel is thrown!

    up man
    Posts: 305

    I wondered about that. I dont know anything about the southern states except what you see on tv and read,wich im sure isnt really realistic!

    Posts: 76

    I hunted the morning and saw nothing. I came home and ran my dogs down to the dog park thats a mile away and saw 5 deer and Mr.Coyote right behind them. Very cool. I yelp at him and he stopped and took a different angle giving up on the chase. I just shook my head. Its the 6th coyote I’ve seen in city limits this year so far.

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