Possible Wolf delisting next year.

  • les_welch
    Posts: 1007

    From the St.Paul Paper.

    Minnesota’s burgeoning population of gray wolves may finally be coming off the federal endangered species list.

    Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., announced Friday that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has agreed to remove the wolf population in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan by the end of next year.

    The decision is the latest chapter in a long legal tug-of war over the wolves’ legal status.

    The endangered designation makes it illegal for Minnesota landowners to kill wolves caught preying upon livestock, pets or guard animals.

    Federal officials have twice tried to remove the wolf in Minnesota and the western Great Lakes region from federal protection. Each time the decision was overturned in the courts as environmental groups disputed how much protection the animals need.

    The population of gray wolves in the Upper Midwest has rebounded to about 4,000, with about 75 percent of them in Minnesota.

    Earlier this year, the state Department of Natural Resources, which would manage the so-called “de-listed” wolves, also asked federal officials to remove the species from the list.

    According to Klobuchar’s office, the wolf population in Minnesota is nearly double the 1,600 minimum the Endangered Species Act requires to ensure its long-term survival and the growing number of wolves could “threaten residents, livestock, and the state’s hunting industry, which contributes over $600 million a year to Minnesota’s economy.”

    Klobuchar also plans to sponsor a bill to require de-listing of the wolves in the hopes of blocking future legal challenges.

    This is an odd move from a metro ubber liberal like Amy K. I am not sure what she is playing at or maybe she thinks she need the hunters if MN to back her in the next election run up but if it gets them delisted in WIS then I say run with it.

    I put the link to the story in case anyone wants to comment with the peta freaks


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22965

    I swear I seen a wolf, in a field yesterday… right along Hwy 15, just south of I94. I always see turkey and deer in this field… it was either a wolf or a dog… not a yote.

    Central MN/SJU
    Posts: 241

    Gosh dont get me excited quite yet…..dont want another let down
    I understand that wolves are the apex wild predators in the state and im fine having a population of them around….Its just that i want to shoot one and take a picture with it so bad……I already have the one I want on the trail camera



    Its just that i want to shoot one and take a picture with it so bad……I already have the one I want on the trail camera

    Same here! That would make a really sweet full body mount!

    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974


    I swear I seen a wolf, in a field yesterday… right along Hwy 15, just south of I94. I always see turkey and deer in this field… it was either a wolf or a dog… not a yote.

    I know this spot you speak of G. I’ve killed several birds there. Probably the landowners dog, it’s a big and mean sob!

    With the number of wolves people I know see up north, they should delist them!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19017

    I really want to see the population brought down some. Although I have no interest in shooting one I hope you guys get to bag a few when its legal.

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    If a season is opened in the future you’re ALL invited!!!! It would be different if the DNR would quit downplaying thier numbers too.

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