It seams My son “Top Heavy” Is having “Dream Season” It started in sept. with a p&y Black Bear Then on november 4th He shot a Heavy racked Wisconsin 8 point that scored 144″
Now last week while hunting in saskatchewen in sub zero temps
on Sunday he shot a main frame 4×4 with a double g-4 and some sticker points “at least 11 scorable points” scored mid 140’s
“top heavy” decided to buy another tag and wait for a big one. On Thursday “top Heavy ” found a main frame 10 point that “unofficialy” scores 163″
I would give my “left one” to have a season like he has had
One thing that i’m glad I don’t have is his taxidermy bill
Congrats Bobby.I’m very proud of you!
December 1, 2010 at 12:25 am