2010 WI Gun deer season

  • les_welch
    Posts: 1007

    First off, I gotta preface this by saying I am an archer through and through. Hunting with a gun, is just the means to getting me in the woods more. That said, this was one of the most enjoyable gun hunts I can remember. It was my Dad, Wife, Son, and I at the cabin. We ended up bringing home 3 bucks and a doe, and giving the pass to 5 other bucks, and quite a number of does and fawns. The area we were hunting was a 32 minute walk from the truck, for me during archery season. Having a 7 year old, and a 65 year old added to the equation jumped that time a fair amount longer. So although getting up before 4 am, and only having a 5 minute drive it was still breaking light when I got my wife and son situated for the opening morning hunt. As I covered the 200 yards to my stand, I chastised myself for being late, although it was worth it to get them to their opening morning stand. After scaling the tree, and hanging my stand, I descended, finished dressing, then headed back up the tree. I stepped on to the stand, and hung up my gun. I reached to zip my jacket when I heard the distinctive footfalls of a buck crunching leaves down the scrape line, headed into the bedding area. I reached for my gun, and spotted the buck at the same time. I mouth grunted him to a stop in the last opening I had, at 80 yards. He dropped in his tracks, with a high shoulder shot. So here is my 7 second stand time, 2010 buck.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Sometimes it happens like that, and sometimes it takes all season. Congrats to you and the rest of your crew on a successful season.

    Linwood, MN
    Posts: 120

    Got to like the quick hunt. Congrats on a great buck

    Posts: 6441

    Nice work Les congrats

    Posts: 1007

    Throughout the morning, I had bucks chasing does, does feeding, you name it. No hunters close, it was just a great day in the woods. This was my sons first hunt at the cabin, and my wifes first rifle hunt in 11 or so years. She had never shot a deer with rifle. Plan for day two was to get her a chance at deer. I told her to pick where she wanted to go, a ground stand by where I was on opener, or her spot from the day before. You know how it goes, I felt which ever one I picked, I would see deer, and not her. I felt bad enough the way day one went. Well she picked the area I hunted the day before, and as typical, the deer came by me. At 7:30 I could see them coming, but at least they were somewhat headed her direction. I picked the last doe out, and shot. The rest were headed her way. After a few minutes there was no shooting, so I called her. They came by at 30 yards, but she couldn’t get them in the scope. Somehow the scope had been put to 9x. She got that fixed, and we waited. Within 15 minutes I could hear a deer coming from her West, a buck had gotten her wind and was headed my way. He past at 30 yards. Wish she would have been here. 10 minutes later more footfalls, here comes a different buck, but he is headed her way! When he disappeared, I knew he was in range of her…but nothing. After 5 minutes I was getting my phone out to text her when ker-boom, 30 seconds later ker-boom, 5 seconds later the phone is vibrating. “I got her” she says. Her, ? I think to myself? I saw a buck, what the heck? Well I head over there, they still haven’t been to the deer yet, and it is between us. I get there first, and it is a buck, she’s like “huh”, “really?”

    Well it was a great week-end, and hopefully some new traditions were started this year.

    BTW, the rifle is empty, and it is between my son and wife, clearing them both. The angle makes it look like it is tucked in/pointed at them, but they are good to go.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Sounds like a great weekend Les…congrats to the wife on her buck!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Sounds like a great weekend Les. Congrats to all!!

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    Congrats on the great weekend!

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    That has got to be some sort of record. Thanks for sharing these sucessful stories!

    Posts: 9321

    This just shows if you put your time in you will be rewarded… oh wait.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 1007


    Sounds like a great weekend Les. Congrats to all!!

    X2 good times

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Perfect timing Les and congrats on your buck! And congrats to your wife too! Great job getting the entire family involved!

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