Well, the horseshoe is going to be surgically removed from my brother in law-what a year he has had! He shot Ribs, the 13 pointer from the Sept. deer cam contest from the same stand I shot my hair under 130 gross 10 pointer we named “Stubb’s”. Funny thing was, everytime my other bro in law Eric went to the house, we shot a deer! That happened on Sat. with my deer and Sun. with Curt’s deer.
We scored Curt’s deer at 176 gross, but might go little better with the scoring kit. Both deer were not big bodied, mine field dressed at 147 and Curt’s almost 170. Good thing Curt harvested this deer this year, as he was gut shot from an arrow and had gangrene going down the right leg—still he was chasing does!
November 22, 2010 at 4:24 pm