It ain’t over!

  • robstenger
    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    It’s still on. I just saw a tank on his feet in broad day light @ 11:30 am cruising!

    Man I need to get back in the stand!

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 225

    Yesterday evening I didn’t have time to hunt so I sat out on a grassy hilltop in my truck to glass the area. Had a 140-class 8 and a 150ish 10 cruise down a fenceline 60 yards from my truck in broad daylight well before dark.

    Interesting though, because yesterday morning I still-hunted some heavy cover looking for my buck and walked right up on 3 big mature bucks bedded alone at 9-10 am. Not sure what exactly is going on right now down in Iowa.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Tell me about it, this guy showed up on one of my cams on the 14th after the season closed. We have never seen him berfore nor do we have any other pics of him. I am hoping he will make it through the second gun season so I can have a crack at him with the bow or muzzle loader.

    OtterTail Cty/Minnetrista
    Posts: 265

    wow Steve-that deer is a tank!! huge split g2’s!
    goodluck getting after him.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 412

    I hope not, I went this evening and seen one decent 2 year old cruise by and proceed to go into the thicket, 5 mins later he was chasing a doe around but then decided it was feeding time and fed throughout the hunt. I dont know anymore what is going on

    22 feet up
    Posts: 632

    yep it aint over till the fat lady sings. I passed a real nice 3 1/2 y.o. night before last(he was out cruising). Also had a busted up 4 year old that got ran off of a doe by another bigger buck come by me right after last light. I’m excited to get the gun season over and hit it hard during muzzy season and late bow

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