Big ChangesComing to WI DNR?

  • robstenger
    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I have always liked going through the bow loop when anchoring. The boat just seems to ride better in the waves and create less pull being stream line. Perhaps this is not a big issue on the river current. I know you guys like to tie in different spots on the boat and it will move the boat around in the current. On Mille Lacs in those waves being straight off the bow is critical IMO in anchoring and not swinging around as much and taking on those 3-5 footers head on.

    The “Double Duece” is just the nick name we came up for the Double Drop & Stay. Not staying put on a spot is not an option for me. I have never had this issue until last Summer out on the mud in some big rollers in my new Ranger 620. I could not hold with 150′ of rope and a 28 pound Anchor. I vowed to find something to get me to hold out there. I have not battle tested the drop & stay out in the mud yet, but I’m pretty sure it will do it’s job. I did notice that I did not have to let out a lot of rope this weekend. Like I said, when the winds kicked up Saturday I was figuring we would have to re anchor, but the DD did it’s job.

    Posts: 216

    God I sure hope he follows through with this…one of the many reasons I voted for him. Something needs to be changed!!!!

    Posts: 6441

    West Central Sconni
    Posts: 431

    I was going to post this… certainly made my day! Can’t wait to see the herd bounce back. I’m sure it will take many years for it to happen up north. My father has no interest in hunting Bayfield County this season for the first time in 35 years. The herd is decimated up there… but for some reason the DNR is still giving out doe tags. I don’t get it.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 1007

    ((Way out of control))) Over Control

    Arkansaw Wi
    Posts: 63

    about time someone opens up their eyes!

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 28

    Sounds good, I will believe it when I see It!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940


    I was going to post this… certainly made my day! Can’t wait to see the herd bounce back. I’m sure it will take many years for it to happen up north. My father has no interest in hunting Bayfield County this season for the first time in 35 years. The herd is decimated up there… but for some reason the DNR is still giving out doe tags. I don’t get it.

    Exactly. Herd decimated yet they still have youth hunt, T-zone, etc, etc. I’m not hunting up there either because of it.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    I really have nothing against the Youth Hunt, it’s the T-Zone and Earn A Buck that is out of control.

    West Central Sconni
    Posts: 431

    Agreed… also all of the extra doe tags. In my opinion… give everyone a buck and doe tag and that’s IT. Most people won’t use both which is great. But I know of plenty of people who go and buy 4-5 extra doe tags and fill them.

    Over harvest…

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337


    Agreed… also all of the extra doe tags. In my opinion… give everyone a buck and doe tag and that’s IT. Most people won’t use both which is great. But I know of plenty of people who go and buy 4-5 extra doe tags and fill them.

    Over harvest…

    I agree with this to a point. I know that in my family 1 or 2 deer will be plenty for us for the year. But a buddy of mine wants to have 4 or 5 for his freezer and they eat every bit of it. I will go along with the 1 doe and buck tag per person and that’s it.

    Lancaster, WI
    Posts: 88

    I can see where the one doe and one buck tag would be nice. Would 2 does tags be about the right number? The option is there to fill your tags which most will, but on the same regard, the people who do extensive deer management won’t fill their extra doe tag. Would that be enough to allow the population to bounce back AND be able to keep some meat in the freezer till next season? Maybe stick with the one buck and one doe tag, but then offer ONE extra doe tag for $50 (maybe a little high) to put money back into the state? Just throwing out ideas..

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    I say one buck tag per gun with lottery for does tags just like the old days until the population is strong again.
    The flipside to that is a major population increase will mean more auto collisions which, if the media picks up on it, will mean non-hunters pressuring the DNR to slaughter them again. I dont think we will ever see the populations of yesteryears but it definitely needs to dramatically increase from what it is now to make me happy. I’m also tired of poeple using the excuse they eat lots of venison to justify their over harvest. Who cares. Go to the store like the rest of us and get with the program.
    Wow! Did i just rant?

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337


    I say one buck tag per gun with lottery for does tags just like the old days until the population is strong again.
    I’m also tired of poeple using the excuse they eat lots of venison to justify their over harvest. Who cares. Go to the store like the rest of us and get with the program.

    I should clarify my statement of my buddy about…he doesn’t personally go out and shoot 4 or 5 deer. He has 2 sons that hunt as well so it’s not like he is over harvesting.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    I spoke to my brother in Michigan about this yesterday. He said there are no rumblings like there are here in Wi and Mn. Michigan, like Mn and Wi contains much public land on the northern half of the state. My brother said doe permits have remained elusive in that area like always. They southern farmland cant give enough out but like here its mostly private land and the deer just dont get the pressure to decimate southern herd. of course I am talking gun hunting. They can take a doe with bow anywhere. Sounds to me like the Michigan DNR knows what they are doing and Wi/Mn should look to them for advice.

    Posts: 1564

    Doe tags are a good thing, landowners have to start micromanaging their own land and deciding for themselves how many deer will be taken-only reason we are in this mess is we did it to ourselves-if you own a 40, have 15 deer or less per square mile of habitat(which is 59B), that is approx. 7.5 deer per square mile. Do the math, if you have 4-5 guys hunting your forty( or worse, allow groups to come in and drive at will multiple times during the season), well, do the math-deer don’t reproduce like rabbits(many, many things like to eat fawns in the spring). No wonder we are not seeing any deer, we did it to ourselves. Quit blaming the DNR, if you are a landowner, take matters into your own hands and decide how many deer will be shot off your land in a given year. Cut the DNR out of the picture and control your own destiny.


    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792


    Doe tags are a good thing, landowners have to start micromanaging their own land and deciding for themselves how many deer will be taken-only reason we are in this mess is we did it to ourselves-if you own a 40, have 15 deer or less per square mile of habitat(which is 59B), that is approx. 7.5 deer per square mile. Do the math, if you have 4-5 guys hunting your forty( or worse, allow groups to come in and drive at will multiple times during the season), well, do the math-deer don’t reproduce like rabbits(many, many things like to eat fawns in the spring). No wonder we are not seeing any deer, we did it to ourselves. Quit blaming the DNR, if you are a landowner, take matters into your own hands and decide how many deer will be shot off your land in a given year. Cut the DNR out of the picture and control your own destiny.


    Except of course with the earn-a-buck rules, your choices came down to basically

    a) shoot a doe to have a chance for a buck b) not hunt

    Posts: 1564

    With EAB, you could qualify the year prior-so essentially was not a problem, plus, in WI with group gun deer hunting a landowner or family could still shoot a couple does, have a couple buck tags for the group and “party hunt”, really no different than the old party tag days. Then, split up the meat among the group.
    The reality is, people ran around for years with multiple antlerless tags in their pockets due to the cheap price and OVERSHOT the herd! Buck poles were lined up with all sorts of sizes of antlerless deer. Landowners have to think more long term and quit this knee jerk reaction that we see every year. Like I said, take matters into your own hands, have a little self control, respect the resource and become a deer hunter-not a herd slaughterer.
    Slobbery leads to decay. There are many creative solutions to be had v/s the black and white of A)hunt or B)not hunt.

    West Central Sconni
    Posts: 431


    Doe tags are a good thing, landowners have to start micromanaging their own land and deciding for themselves how many deer will be taken-only reason we are in this mess is we did it to ourselves-if you own a 40, have 15 deer or less per square mile of habitat(which is 59B), that is approx. 7.5 deer per square mile. Do the math, if you have 4-5 guys hunting your forty( or worse, allow groups to come in and drive at will multiple times during the season), well, do the math-deer don’t reproduce like rabbits(many, many things like to eat fawns in the spring). No wonder we are not seeing any deer, we did it to ourselves. Quit blaming the DNR, if you are a landowner, take matters into your own hands and decide how many deer will be shot off your land in a given year. Cut the DNR out of the picture and control your own destiny.

    I completely agree… but I submit that there is far too much of our population incapable of understanding or caring about the sustainability of the deer herd. I see so much “don’t give a $#!&” attitude with the mentality “if it’s brown it’s down”. You could explain to them all day long that if you keep this up your kids won’t have deer hunting at all and they still won’t get it. Our people are too dumb (except for the iDO community of-course!) to micromanage their own land. They need these laws to start from the top… which is the DNR. My two cents.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940


    Doe tags are a good thing, landowners have to start micromanaging their own land and deciding for themselves how many deer will be taken-only reason we are in this mess is we did it to ourselves-if you own a 40, have 15 deer or less per square mile of habitat(which is 59B), that is approx. 7.5 deer per square mile. Do the math, if you have 4-5 guys hunting your forty( or worse, allow groups to come in and drive at will multiple times during the season), well, do the math-deer don’t reproduce like rabbits(many, many things like to eat fawns in the spring). No wonder we are not seeing any deer, we did it to ourselves. Quit blaming the DNR, if you are a landowner, take matters into your own hands and decide how many deer will be shot off your land in a given year. Cut the DNR out of the picture and control your own destiny.


    That’s a fine argument for those hunting private land however however I dont see it pertaining to the huge tracts of public land that most of us hunt on.

    To quote a popular movie:

    “A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. ”

    Given the opportunity and incentive “people” would render any animal extinct just for selfish pleasure.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792


    With EAB, you could qualify the year prior-so essentially was not a problem, plus, in WI with group gun deer hunting a landowner or family could still shoot a couple does, have a couple buck tags for the group and “party hunt”, really no different than the old party tag days. Then, split up the meat among the group.
    The reality is, people ran around for years with multiple antlerless tags in their pockets due to the cheap price and OVERSHOT the herd! Buck poles were lined up with all sorts of sizes of antlerless deer. Landowners have to think more long term and quit this knee jerk reaction that we see every year. Like I said, take matters into your own hands, have a little self control, respect the resource and become a deer hunter-not a herd slaughterer.
    Slobbery leads to decay. There are many creative solutions to be had v/s the black and white of A)hunt or B)not hunt.

    I won’t argue people “filling the pole” with numerous antlerless deer strips the herd, but is really irrelevent in a discussion of Earn-a-buck. And so is the fact you can qualify a year ahead. A doe down is a doe down, regardless of year.

    So with 4-5-6 people hunting, a “couple of buck tags” should do it? I’m not going to tell someone else he can’t shoot a buck because we got 2 on the ground already and he is the odd man out because of some stupid DNR rule based on some even more ridiculous population goals. To say the DNR is completely at fault for reduced populations is inaccurate, but to say the DNR is faultless is just as ridiculous. You seem to be an advocate of landowners managing their own land and populations, yet also seem to be advocating regulations which don’t allow it, or at least make it much more difficult or problematic.

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