I also thought it was funny when she said, “the DNR is just a group of guys in St.Paul that plug numbers in to the computer.”

Posts: 592
May 9, 2008 at 4:25 pm
IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » Deer Hunting » Rubs/scrapes?
I also thought it was funny when she said, “the DNR is just a group of guys in St.Paul that plug numbers in to the computer.”
“If your looking for fish, go to the grocery store.” Mille Lacs Bureau of Tourism
While watching this last night, I thought what a stupid statement by the person in charge of getting people up there! Surprised she’s in charge of anything…
I am glad I’m not the only one that was confused and troubled by her statement ???? Why would your Tourism person say that?? No wonder the Resorts and Businesses are in trouble.
I agree Bobber the piece could have been better and focused more on certain issues, but it is a start! Remember, politicians are more likely to pay attention when economy is effected or mingled into a problem. So it was not all bad.
All I got to say is someone need to show Jeff Passolt how to hold a fishing pole.
“If your looking for fish, go to the grocery store.” Mille Lacs Bureau of Tourism
Yeah it was a great peice…..
Lets book a trip to Mille Lacs
I agree. What a asinine thing to say. The area business’s count on her. She needs to be replaced..
Then she commented on marketing mille lacs for riding ATV’s, shopping and the two state parks.. Great marketing plan I guess she doesn’t know shes sitting on one of the best fisheries in the world. Hey tourism lady, Mille lacs does have Muskie and Smallies too..
Why don’t your get your chit together and get the Governor up here for next years opener..
“If your looking for fish, go to the grocery store.” Mille Lacs Bureau of Tourism
While watching this last night, I thought what a stupid statement by the person in charge of getting people up there! Surprised she’s in charge of anything…
I have no problem with what Judy said, and I’m a member of the tourism counsel!
We can’t always sell the idea of “taking fish”. If we could, this lake would not have been empty after they changed the slot last year. WHY? Because people want to keep fish.
Jack I guess what I made of that whole segment was: The area businesses are really struggling to stay a float because of lack of fishing tourism and people booking resorts, hotels, etc. The message I got in my brain from her statement was “There are no fish left to be harvested”. I understand the area needs to expand and have other attractions to get people interested, but that statement by her during this segment of NEWS was not good for the Area Tourism in my opinion.
I’m guessing I’m not alone on this either.
Jack I guess what I made of that whole segment was: The area businesses are really struggling to stay a float because of lack of fishing tourism and people booking resorts, hotels, etc. The message I got in my brain from her statement was “There are no fish left to be harvested”. I understand the area needs to expand and have other attractions to get people interested, but that statement by her during this segment of NEWS was not good for the Area Tourism in my opinion.
I’m guessing I’m not alone on this either.
The message is simple, because of tribal netting, we can’t tell people they are going to come up here and take home fish. Catching is one thing, but keeping is something different.
Look at her statement in the context of the story. It wasn’t a tourism commercial, it was a testimonial of the situation we have here on the pond.
I don’t go out fishing everyday expecting to keep fish, nor do many other people anymore.
I have been watching this thread for awhile and didn’t feel a need to post, but the last few, have given me a revelation. Like Jack says, it isn’t a tourism spot they did on TV, it was reality. The business’ (that remain open) have been hurting long before the gal on TV said what she said. The truth should help some people in a position to do something about the netting, to make a decision. Is it important to the Mille Lacs area and the State for that matter, to let a couple of thousand people decimate a resource, for their personal gain ? It is about time we get to the root of the problem, rather than have business’ spend money they do not have, trying to promote a resource that is on the downslide. I don’t want to paint a “dead sea” picture, but I have fished the lake long enough to know, the lake is on a downward trend.
big G
“If your looking for fish, go to the grocery store.” Mille Lacs Bureau of Tourism
Yeah it was a great peice…..
Lets book a trip to Mille Lacs
Isn’t that kinda like the Mall of America saying “If you want to buy a new outfit, go to Target” How about Wis Dells saying if you wanna go tubing find a river?”
I do agree if you want to catch eaters, find another lake. You might get a couple but I go up there for the piggies you can catch not to get meals.
this is my first year owning a shack on mille lacs. i choose the east side because i refuse to support the casino or the conoco on the west side. what upsets me is how many fisherman stay at the casino when they fish mille lacs.
We have grouse hunted every weekend in October and hit different major areas a ~hundred miles apart. I have seen exactly 1 rub/scrape line. Pretty slim sign for me how about you guy’s?
The weird thing is I have seen 2 bucks and 30 does which is a lot higher than any years past.
What gives?
For me it has been the exact opposite. I have been finding rubs and scrapes everywhere, and have seen WAY more bucks than does-but that is over in western WI. Buck to doe ration is a LOT closer after the DNR decided to kill all the deer by handing out tags like snickers on Halloween…
We had a ton of Rubs and scrapes show up on our deer woods just last weekend. I’m thinking the opener should be hitting the Rut just right in Central Minnesota. The next 2 week should be a ton of fun. Can’t wait !!!!
Been in the woods a lot myself and have seen several but not a lot in central MN? Necks are huge in most pics and they are chasing hard when the does are out but not much for sign. Any second now, I am waiting in a tree
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