What’s your favorite scent for rifle season?

  • ferny
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    In my past 20 years of my deer hunting I have yet to see any interest in my scent canisters or drag lines.

    I typically set out three scent wick containers ~30-50 yards from my stand ~4 feet high on a branch near trails. I have used scent drags across a field and through the woods also. I always take my scent out every night. I have tried several different brands to no avail. Yet the guy I hunt with has 160 acres 3 miles away and swears by scent and has shot his last two bucks while sniffing his wick! He has also seen it work during his bow season.

    What do you guy’s use and how do you set it out? I will probably still keep using it but it would be nice to see it work in person.



    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    I always have Tinks 69, but have used them all, with some success… I know they do something, as I have had deer, does and bucks, walk right up to a wick and sniff….

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I have had some luck with Golden Estrous & Border Crossing VS-1!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Special Golden Estrous!


    One of the archery shops in the Twin Cities that I frequent recieves a shipment of estrous scent in each year from a guy that has a couple deer in captivity.

    One of the does went into estrous on Friday, and the scent was available at the shop later that day. Can’t get any more fresh and natural than that.

    Posts: 176

    Special golden estrous or tinks have had good luck with both.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561


    Special Golden Estrous!

    X2 – I would not go hunting without it. I’m positive the combo of scent and Grunt call / Can calls have helped me shoot several buck the last 3 seasons.

    Posts: 372

    whats the best way to store the scent after you open it?

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