Decoy Setup Question

  • bigbuckdown
    Posts: 216

    I have read the article here on IDO about decoying, but I have one more question. In the area that I hunt, I have had great success with calling in bucks as well as does. THe only problem is they only come about 60 yards and then stop. So I bought a Flambeau Boss Babe last year, and every time I rattle, grunt, or bleat, deer come in, look at the decoy, and keep moving. My question is if I were to get the Flambeau Boss Buck and set it up with the doe, would this help the problem? I am going home this weekend to hunt and from what I have heard the big boys on the land I hunt are CRUISING for does. Any info would be great!!!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    If I had only one decoy it would be a buck. Times 10 right now during this time period.

    A buck doe can be deadly from now towards the end of November. I personally would try just a loaner buck right now and then see their reaction. If that don’t work don’t be afraid to try the buck with a bedded doe! Chances are with that buck (Boss Buck)not many does will come in or smaller bucks. However if that big boy sees it, there is a good chance he will come check out his competition. He might have to be enticed in with a snort wheeze or grunt but odds are most bigger (not all )bucks will come in.

    Let us know how it goes!

    Posts: 1564

    99% of the time I go out with a decoy from mid October til the end. I view it as being no different than turkey hunting with a decoy-gives them something to see when you call to them well as attraction in itself. I only use a buck decoy and put him 10 yards from my tree facing me. Just like a turkey, if that deer hangs up, possibly they will be in range. I also use a small buck decoy (delta), and everything comes into that as there is not much intimidation. I also spray it down with Scent Away and then add some tarsal gland scent to the decoy. Last Sunday I had a nice 2.5 year old come and I thought he was going to cream it, but then decided he would rather go over to the corn field I was next to and munch on a cob-go figure!
    good luck!


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