I have attached a google earth map below of a place on our land that doesn’t get much hunting pressure. My plan is to sit in my normal stand for the first 2-3 days of firearm opener, and then move to this location on Monday – Wed, with the thought being that the area inside the blue should be holding deer, and hopefully a nice shooter buck as this area is pretty swampy/thick cover.
My plan is to rattle/grunt to try and call a buck out of the swamp/thicket, and use the primos scarface deer decoy (again, this is private land, with little additional hunting pressure after sunday).
Also, the bottom-right of this picture is currently standing corn, but it sounds like this will most likely be harvested prior to opener
If you haven’t guessed it from the Picasso rendition below, the green arrow is the anticipated wind direction,a nd the red area is the woods where I want to hang a stand this weekend.
What are everyone’s thoughts on where to hang the stand