What about wind?

  • martysddw
    EC, Wisconsin
    Posts: 131

    I start my vacation tomorrow and it looks like gale force winds I’ve been waiting patiently for this all fall and we get this weather pattern moving in. Will anyone sit through 30-40 mph winds? What’s the consensus. This sucks I have one thing to say about high winds .

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101

    I hear ya Marty. One of the bucks on our hit list has showed himself on a scrape 3 days in a row during daylight hours. I set up on him last night and got pounded by rain and he didn’t show. I can’t hunt tonight and now the high winds are forecasted for Tues and Wed. To answer your question, yes – I’m going to try and sit anyways. My stand is in a big burly oak tree which will help.

    Le Center
    Posts: 612

    Cornfield spot and stalk

    craig daugherty
    Osseo, Mn
    Posts: 689

    Yep! Wind and more Wind…. I had an ancounter with a buck we call “Nixion”. Trying to hunt at least one evening this week.

    Posts: 6443


    Cornfield spot and stalk

    Theres no corn left around here

    Posts: 293

    I shot my biggest buck in 40 mph winds. Granted it was in the middle of the rut, but I think the deer hate the wind as much as you do. If you can escape the wind in a low spot or a steep hillside, you might find the deer have the same idea.

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    the good news is they seem to move alot the day after the wind stops

    Central MN
    Posts: 2853

    I also shot 2 of my best deer on days so windy that I even opted to sit on the ground as I knew I could not hold steady in a swaying tree. I honestly look forward to windy days because for some reason the bucks in my area move around alot IN THE OPEN????? Take advantage of it because you never know. All of this was in CRP.

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081


    I’ve been waiting patiently for this all fall

    I think thats your answer…… Living in an area that is very flat and open I deal with more wind than I wish upon any one. Granted its not always 30-40, but at some point they will eat and at some point they will drink; which means at some point they will move. Cant shoot a wall hanger from the couch, and if you can you just found an interested buyer!

    Good Luck and don’t forget your tree harness.

    SE, MN
    Posts: 470

    Spot and Stalk. That’s always been my choice when the wind gets stupid like its going to. I think the more wind the more advantage to me… Not only is it alot of fun but a real challenge at times. Lots of glassing and walking. Dress lite.

    Posts: 1009

    If its raining tomorrow that means i cant work! I will be in a tree! I don’t care how hard it blows there are areas out of the wind! a big north east hill side will be good!

    deer are very nervous in the wind and like to stay on the foot! they dont move fast but move bed and move! its a good time to get a good one if you can bare it! At least that is what im telling myself to justify going out in it in the morning!

    good luck!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 412

    Just be careful, I went out the other day to crawl into my stand only to find the top of the tree where my stand was in blew off and fell across my stand. Man would that of been scary, thing was I decided to hunt a different location that day…Thank God for Wisdom

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