Heading out to Buffalo County

  • craig daugherty
    Osseo, Mn
    Posts: 688

    Heading out to Buffalo County, Wi to meet up with fellow Ido’ers Brad, Dean and Ricco to hopefully get a buck down. Good Luck to everyone this weekend! It’s the start of many days in the woods. Shoot straight and be safe.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Good luck boys!!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Whack’em, stack’em and grill’em boys! Good luck!

    Posts: 6441

    Good Luck Guys

    Southeast, MN
    Posts: 1014


    Good Luck Guys

    X2 go get’m

    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    I won’t be making it this weekend. Good Luck and give me some updates. This new business that i’m starting is really cutting into my hunting schedule. I have a bunch of stuff to move into the office this weekend and Monday and have interviews on Tues/Weds. i hope to leave on Weds night to get out on Thurs/Fri. then i’m heading back to MN to hunt Ripley on the 30-31. Unreal the way time flies…. wish you guys the best of luck

    ->>>—Lung–Lung—-> Double Lung em’

    Posts: 6

    What part of Buffalo County will you be hunting in? I am just wondering if I will run into you guys.

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    Good luck boys…Im headin back ouy to Wi Sunday.. and the 32day vacation begins

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Good luck Jay you lucky dog you, I start my vaction is less than 4 hours and I only get 23 days off.

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