Any Guess’s on age???

  • robstenger
    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Let me see what you guys think and then I will let you know what I believe he is. I have never caught this guy on trail camera but have had two encounters with him both caught on film.

    First time I encoutnered him he was a Big 4×4, the last time I encountered him 2 years ago he was a Big 3×4 and know he is a 3×3.

    EDIT: see page two fo this thread for videos of this buck from 2007 and 2008!

    Posts: 539

    6.5 years old He’s a tank.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I mistakenly erased the trail camera video of this.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337


    6.5 years old He’s a tank.

    Agreed…5 1/2 at least!

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798


    6.5 years old He’s a tank.


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22981

    Yep… 6 1/2… he’s possibly on the down slide….whack him

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    I’ll say it Because noone else has- 7.5 FOR SURE!

    It’s almost like a riddle. “First Time” I saw him he was a big 4×4. 2 Years ago he was a 3×4. If he were 6.5 That would mean that he was already on the slide as a 4.5 year old. I’m thinking he was 4.5 OR 5.5 when Rob saw him as a big 4×4 which puts him at 7 or 8 now.

    Posts: 559

    At least 6.5! He also needs to go on a diet. What a pig!

    Posts: 1564

    Least 5.5 but have to agree with the others, seems he is on the downhill slide for his rack—-what a deer!!!!!

    craig daugherty
    Osseo, Mn
    Posts: 688

    I’ll have to say 7.5 years old

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Very cool Rob! Not sure on age but he’s beastly.

    22 feet up
    Posts: 632

    7 1/2….he’s definitely a pig of a 6 point

    Posts: 559

    what a pig. how long are you going keep letting go.

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374

    Good lord that sucker is a tank

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    what a pig. how long are you going keep letting go.

    First encounter, he hand cuffed me and gave me that 4 second window from drawing on him, seeing him and having to relase an arrow. The math in my head did not add up as he had short brows and G3’s and I filmed him walking away. In 2008 I knew who he was, but the other buck across the other field has my name on him and I watched this guy boot a 4×4 out of the county. I have not seen him since. I thought he was dead. When I saw him in 2007 I though he was on the decline then with the wide frame, big G2’s short brows and G3’s. I would have put him @ 6.5-7.5 then and that was 3 years ago.

    My honest guess this buck is between 9-10 years old. Right or Wrong he is a TANK!

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    U R Right, He is a Tank. SO, being that old Has he earned a free pass with your group?

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Nope no free pass here. As I have said he has not been seen in two years. This is the first time a trail cam has caught him and the first time he has been seen outside of the rut. My guess is his original home range was not on or too close to our piece and he would only come over during the rut. However, he may have been booted out of his original home area and may not be top dog there any longer as he may not be able to bring it like he had in the past. He very well now may call our piece home, only time will tell.

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 116

    Just goes to show why big bucks get big. Superior insticts keep them around year after year. Here’s hoping you get the opportunity…he may be the largest 3 X 3 I have ever seen.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    It would be kind of cool if he wasn’t taken, but then again that would mean he would probably starve to death at some point….not the way you would want him to go out! He is a stud of a deer though!

    Posts: 6441


    It would be kind of cool if he wasn’t taken, but then again that would mean he would probably starve to death at some point….not the way you would want him to go out! He is a stud of a deer though!

    Doesn’t look like he has missed many meals so far

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Well, I finally grabbed the second trail pic of this guy and it appears he popped crab claws on this year and is a 4×4.

    I love the mud in his tines/crab claw!

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946


    Well, I finally grabbed the second trail pic of this guy and it appears he popped crab claws on this year and is a 4×4.

    I love the mud in his tines/crab claw!

    You sure that the neighbor’s bull didn’t get out and got a couple branches caught in his horns??? That thing is a BRUTE!!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    5.5 to 6.5 is what I think. Hes still got the length in his tines but it looks like thier reduceing some. The size of his body says hes about that old. I’ve seen a couple that were big racked when they were that age and a couple years later when they were taken they still had mass in thier bases and mainbeam but no tine length. He’s on the downhill side and not long to get there so my guess is about that, hes a nice one and there isn’t many as big as him, theres a few his body size but not alot. Hes a nice one, hes one of those bucks that his shoulders rolls from side to side when he walks, Id take him just for his body size. My guess is 230 too 250 lbs.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Hope you put the hammer down on that brute this year Rob, good luck!!!

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