I’m about to…

  • coppertop
    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    SNAP!! After the last few years of hunting I’ve come to the conclusion that unless you own your own 1000 acres and hunt smack dab in the center, someone will ruin your evening sit. If it’s not the beekeeper, it’s the neighbors horses who got out. If it’s not the neighbors friend of a friend shooting a deer in the throat only to run onto your property and then tell you he can’t go after it until he goes into town to buy arrows because that was his only one it’s the other neighbor friend who comes out to drive his 4 wheeler along with his 2 dogs to run free onto yours. One more year of this and I will become stricly a shed hunter. No wonder why I went from seeing 25+ deer opening night to a total of 3 all last week and w-end. Sorry I needed to vent. Yeah I know, get your own _______ land.

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    Last week it was Farmers for me, my buudy shook hands with the farmer through the window of the ground blind at 715 pm And I had the land owner drive the loader tractor out to the base of my stand, climb down and start yelling hey who are you , where you at, when I called him the night before!! Just sucks, then when you get your own land the people still wont stay off!! Good luck, Im shooting at birds from now till the 25th to keep frustration down and MY scent down

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    Last week I went to pull cards on a set of my cams to find a guy driving his moped through my food plots, plots are hidden behind 14 acres of standing corn 2 miles from town. Then, on my commute home I drive by one of my properties every time and noticed a guy parked out down the long field drive at the back of the property. He then tried to drive away from me (down a dead end field drive ) when I went to kick him out. God knows what that yahoo was up to. Then this weekend from my stand I watched the neighbor kid walk out on onto the neighboring field owners land with a shot gun and turkey decoy when hes known for years that we are bows only on those properties!! I swear you just cant win…….

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Good…. I’m glad to know it is not only me with this BS!

    Seriously guys, I hear ya

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the video of 2 guys on my mock scrape, standing there drinking beer ands one pretending to be a buck using it. Then squirting some doe pee in it. The list goes on and on.

    Posts: 324

    Last week we had people walking around OUR feilds putting up posted signs 30 yards on to our proportey, needless to say those did not stay there we gave them all back to them at there house with a nice letter. thats the only thing that irritates me. WHat are they going to get out of that exrta 30 yards of tilled sweet corn ground.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Keep at it Coppertop!

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916


    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the video of 2 guys on my mock scrape, standing there drinking beer ands one pretending to be a buck using it. Then squirting some doe pee in it. The list goes on and on.

    Oh wow. Can you post that one on Utube?

    ps. I will shed hunt with you!

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Dale you should stop over tonight and help me do that! AFTER I waste 4+ hours in a stand of course!

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852


    Keep at it Coppertop!

    Alright, how about my distant relative farmer who forgot to mention he was going to plow up his newly planted alfalfa fields I hunt on 2 days after I paid him for the season. Glad I was running out there all summer keeping up on my cams and mineral sites. I know, business before pleasure but he could have maybe let me know prior???? Why would you turn over afalfa that was just planted last spring?

    Posts: 6441

    Wow you guys got it rough

    I have no trouble at all with anyone any where near my land I just can’t get a deer to walk by

    Oh well it’s early yet and it’s NOT a race

    3 more weeks

    Posts: 10

    If it ain’t one thing, it’s another…never seem to get it the way you want no matter what. Starting to take the fun out of it…might be a die hard musky fisherman soon, then maybe hunt a couple rut days.

    Posts: 125

    well atleast you guys dont have coon hunters thinking they can drop there dogs off anywere and spook are deer 14 miles down the road

    Southeast, MN
    Posts: 1014


    well atleast you guys dont have coon hunters thinking they can drop there dogs off anywere and spook are deer 14 miles down the road

    had that more than once, oops sorry my dog got lost sorry we had to come through last night!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Keep plugging Cop, when it rains it pours it seems, but someday the sun will shine on you again!

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    Thats one reason why im reallllllly looking forward to cold temperatures. Most people don’t like to go outside and do what their doing on your land when it gets 30-10 degrees out. Most of the people that dont take bow hunting seriously will say, “But after the gun season when it gets 15 degrees out, F@&* that!” You have shown that you capitalize in the late season Copper! Just wait

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