SNAP!! After the last few years of hunting I’ve come to the conclusion that unless you own your own 1000 acres and hunt smack dab in the center, someone will ruin your evening sit. If it’s not the beekeeper, it’s the neighbors horses who got out. If it’s not the neighbors friend of a friend shooting a deer in the throat only to run onto your property and then tell you he can’t go after it until he goes into town to buy arrows because that was his only one it’s the other neighbor friend who comes out to drive his 4 wheeler along with his 2 dogs to run free onto yours. One more year of this and I will become stricly a shed hunter. No wonder why I went from seeing 25+ deer opening night to a total of 3 all last week and w-end. Sorry I needed to vent.
Yeah I know, get your own _______ land.
October 5, 2010 at 3:12 am