My dream season has ended as quickly as it started I shot a doe at 15 yards last night with a 2 blade Rage, I felt great about the hit the deer stubled hard crashed over a huge logand took off. I waited 30 min and backed out had a barly pop and waited for the boys to show up. We found the broad head at the point of impact with 3 inchs of shaft on it covered in hair blood and greasy fat, but minimal blood at the seen, ten ft from there we found the arrow with a conservitive 14 inches of brite red up the shaft for a total of 15 to 17 inchs of penetration We followed tumbtack size blood drops for 200 yards sometimes going 20 or 30 ft with no blood be for loosing all blood 20 yards before the river that she was belineing for
My question is what do I do? This is my first loss we walked at least 40 acres of woods I NEVER ENTER in atempt to maybe find her but nothing, all totaled I say she only dumped a cup of blood. It has now rained over an inch here
All thoughts are welcome!!