Opening weekend reports

  • protourbaits
    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    What did you see? I thought this would be a good thread to start just for opening weekend!

    I had a very good morning sit! Probably the best opening morning ive had I ended up seeing 2 bucks at 6:30 spar at 165 in front of me. I forgot my binocs and had to rely on my range finder to see what they were After about 30 min of them sparring/feeding a doe and 4 fawns were in a bottom about 60-70 yards below me. A little while later, a healthy looking 5 or 6 point went in the same area as the first two bucks. After about 20 minutes, two more yearlings came out of the woods A total of 10 deer were seen in the first hour and 15 minutes

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    I crawled up in my tree stand at 6:40 a.m….had a doe down by 7:10 a.m. She came in from behind me and ended up walking 7 yards out in front of my stand.

    First deer registered at Ellsworth for the season. DNR registration form asked me… “How many hours were you hunting?” ah…1/2 an hour. “How many deer did you see while out hunting?” ah… one. She’s not a very big doe, but I had trail camera photos of her and knew she didn’t have any fawn. Gonna be some good eating for sure though!!!

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Congrats Jerry now you can wait for the the BIG BOY!

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    I got my first nap of the season in.

    Posts: 48

    Hey man a doe is a doe. Congrats … will taste good for sure. went out as well and saw 2 small basket 8’s and sum squirls

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    This is all I saw! Back straps tonight!!

    Mantorville, Mn
    Posts: 830

    Way todown Zimmy. Great way to start off the season and get our team on the board

    Posts: 6441

    Pretty quiet here

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    Saw between 23 and 30 tonight between my brother and i For sure one small buck but a ton of does I watched a convoy of 9 does enter the field I passed on a doe and her 2 fawns in hopes of a shooter buck coming in…didn’t happen

    Posts: 0


    Saw between 23 and 30 tonight between my brother and i For sure one small buck but a ton of does I watched a convoy of 9 does enter the field I passed on a doe and her 2 fawns in hopes of a shooter buck coming in…didn’t happen

    Sounds like some some doe management is necessary

    Posts: 6441



    Saw between 23 and 30 tonight between my brother and i For sure one small buck but a ton of does I watched a convoy of 9 does enter the field I passed on a doe and her 2 fawns in hopes of a shooter buck coming in…didn’t happen

    Sounds like some some doe management is necessary

    Sounds to me like someone can see wayyyyyyyyy too far from their stand

    Posts: 864

    One doe and a fawn this am. One nice buck ,three others around 110, two small ones, and four does this pm

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    gotta love the 15-20 to 1 ratio

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Congrats on the does guys! My opener started at 4pm on stand as I never hunt opener a.m. I sat on my 1/3 acre rape turnip plot. My 1st animal in was a solo button buck followed by a spike followed by a 7pt. All 3 ate in my plot and hit my mineral. I had 13 different deer hit my plot this evening and saw a total of 9 bucks. A bachelor group of 5 together ranging from 2 1.5 yr olds, 2 2 1/2 yr olds and a 3.5 yr old 10 pt and all of them were sparring with each other which put a HUGE on my face. Too bad they were 150 yrds away. All in all I saw between 27-30 deer but just lost count as some had left and came back to my area. An awesome opener for me and really helped to get me back in the game. Cannot wait for tomorrow. BTW- Crazy how noisy it can be with 6 deer pulling the tops of turnips just yards away.

    Posts: 37

    Didn’t get to go out this morning. Got out this afternoon only to arrive at my stand to find out some worthless $#@$#@ had stolen my stand,ladder,bow holder, accessory hooks and even my friggen bow rope. Went to another stand and saw a doe and a fawn and 3 small bucks. To make it even worse someone put up a stand about 40yards away from the tree mine was stolen from. Kinda takes all the fun out of hunting when something like this happens.

    SSP, MN
    Posts: 234

    Where do you hunt? I had a very similar problem last year.

    Posts: 37

    Southwest Wisconsin in grant county. Not sure if it was another bowhunter or not. We got a problem with sticky fingered Amish around here that like to shoot deer year around and take things that don’t belong to them. Sorry if I offend anybody but it’s a fact!

    Posts: 6441

    I’m still waiting to see my 1st deer of the year froma stand But I do know of a big tom that will be a little chilly this winter because of some missing feathers

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Saw 1 doe Saturday morning and 8 deer Saturday evening…including 4 bucks. One was a dandy but didn’t come in like the little ones did. Hopefully next weekend will be better.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916


    Congrats on the does guys! My opener started at 4pm on stand as I never hunt opener a.m. I sat on my 1/3 acre rape turnip plot. My 1st animal in was a solo button buck followed by a spike followed by a 7pt. All 3 ate in my plot and hit my mineral. I had 13 different deer hit my plot this evening and saw a total of 9 bucks. A bachelor group of 5 together ranging from 2 1.5 yr olds, 2 2 1/2 yr olds and a 3.5 yr old 10 pt and all of them were sparring with each other which put a HUGE on my face. Too bad they were 150 yrds away. All in all I saw between 27-30 deer but just lost count as some had left and came back to my area. An awesome opener for me and really helped to get me back in the game. Cannot wait for tomorrow. BTW- Crazy how noisy it can be with 6 deer pulling the tops of turnips just yards away.

    Sounds like someone can see waayyyyy too far from his stand.

    Central MN/SJU
    Posts: 241

    Sat night crawled up into the stand around 5 30ish….little behind the eight ball… 15 Min later doe and two fawns came by heading towards the beans. This pretty muched proved to be the story of the rest of the night. I was hoping to use this funnel as an observation stand, with the outside chance of having a big boy come around. Ended the evening with 15 different does and fawns meander into the field. I could have shot 8 different ones it just seemed like to much work. Oh ya, not a single mosquito.
    While in stand my dad txted me and wanted to know if i wanted to meet him at mille lacs for a couple hours. Well why i jumped otta the hunting clothes, swung in and told my grandparents to keep the door unlocked and ran to the lake. Fishing was slow, with weed growth still very high, imo.. just a matter of time till they start to lay down a bit with water temps at 60.9. Dad and i fished till 11:00 with him catching the only fish at 27.75″ walter. Great fish and hopefully a sign of the many more to come this fall.

    Sun morning it was up at 5:00 and in the stand at 5:20.I sat in a funnel leading to a bedding area. It was pretty slow for me with only 2 does and a fawn coming through. Also the blackbirds are really flocked up, and the red squirrel by this stand is going to have to die in that he has supernatural lung capacity and i swear he went 2 full min without taking a breath. Pulled cameras and finally started getting shooters to show themselves so i was jacked for sunday night.

    Sunday night i was in the stand at 4 on another funnel leading to a different bean field. “I love hunting early season beans”. 5:50 was the first deer showed up and by 6:00 there were 6 that came past with on little six -pointer…i was happy to finally get first antlers of the season otta the way. They worked around in the beans from what i could see, then worked there way to a different woods. 7:05 is when the next deer came out, and once again it was a corrulated effort on their part. By 7:10 i had four does/fawns come past, and saw 4 others hit the field from a differnet spot. By 7:30 something had spooked every deer otta there and i was not sure what the heck was going on. Now the question was do i get otta there with shooting light left, cuz i know there werent deer in the field or do i stick it out…Well i stuck it out cause it was gorgeous out and i knew there were some big boys in the area…Anyways right at last light i see a buck about 60 yards away. I quick throw up the binocs and dont have a clue who this deer is…wide tall rack with short tines…id say right around 115 to 120 2.5 year old…he had a young looking face, but boy was a i jazzed to see him, and now he just has to live one more year….

    All in all it was great opening weekend for me. Usually see a few more little bucks, but oh well. I think its gonna be time to whack a doe for the freezer soon….

    Goodluck to all still out there

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    I did some scouting Thurs night and spotted “Rocket” out in a hayfield a half hour before dark. He’s a maing frame 10 pointer with a left split G-2 and he also has a sticker coming out from his base from his right G-2. We snuck in Sat at noon and hung two stands where he entered the filed. Craig D was going to be the shooter and I was behind the camera. Sat night Rocket didn’t show but we saw 3 little bucks and 7 does. Two bucks were sparring and crackin their antlers pretty good.

    Sun morning was pretty quiet for me and I only saw one doe. Sun night was a great hunt as I had 12 does come off a ridge top and walk right past me on there way to an alfalfa field. As soon as I got into the stand, they were under my tree. I couldn’t even pull up my bow for a half hour. I never did get the camera set up either because I had deer within 50 yards of me the whole time.

    Mon morning I set up on a buck we call white nose tip and as I pulled into the spot, there he was out by the road where I park my truck. He just trotted off casually and laughed at me. Last night it was slow as I only saw 4 does out in the hayfield.

    Our buddy Dean who hunts with us shot a doe opening night but wasn’t too sure about the hit. So he along with CraigD and Tina went in early Sun morning to look for it. Well the good news is that they found it. The bad news was that the coyotes found it first. It was absolutely destroyed and there’s was nothing left. They even dragged it 40 yards from where it had died. I’ve never seen anything like it before. Dean took a couple of pictures but it’s too gruesome to post on the site.

    First two pics are of rocket and the second two are of white nose tip.

    22 feet up
    Posts: 632

    I didn’t sit much for the opening weekend. I was too late getting to my stand on saturday evening and blew a few does off of a brassica plot. Ended up seeing 4 deer total and all were does.

    I hung a set on monday afternoon and sat the last three hours of light. Passed a 1 1/2 y.o. 8 pt a 4 1/2 y.o. 9 point and a lone doe. Any other 4 1/2 year old would have been in a world of trouble. The buck that happened to come in I know quite well through shed antlers (I have found his right side 3 years in a row). He is built like a tank but is a little short in the antler department, and I just can’t imagine going the next couple of months without a buck tag in my pocket. Monday was the best early season sit I’ve had in a long time, I was in a small pinch point below an oak flat and about 100 yards from an alfalfa and corn field.

    Moorhead, Minnesota
    Posts: 150

    Hey Guys,
    I went out Saturday Evening a saw a doe and fawn that was about it. On Sunday I went out to some Public Land and
    saw 5 3 does and 2 fawns. The Interesting thing about Sunday night was the doe and two fawns came in downwind of
    me and my Scentblocker XLT did it’s job it’s awesome when
    you beat there nose. Tonight I went out on some river bottom property and didn’t see a deer. So far the season is
    going slow planning on going out tomarrow after work.

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